4966 ARTICLE 22.
the Commissioners of said town, shall appoint from the taxpayers of said
town, four persons of proper personal qualification, who, together with the
Burgess shall constitute and be a Water Board, and shall have charge of
the construction and management and maintenance of said waterworks
and water distribution system. They shall appoint from their own num-
ber a Treasurer who shall give bond to be approved (both as to amount
and sureties) by the said Water Board for the faithful performance of
his duties as such Treasurer. The said Treasurer shall receive the pro-
ceeds of sale of said bonds or any other money which may be received on
account of water works and water distribution system, shall deposit the
same in a bank to be designated by said Water Board, and shall disburse
the same on orders of said Water Board by check to be designated by
himself and the Burgess of said town. The said Water Board is author-
ized and empowered to contract for, purchase in fee simple or lease for
a term of years, renewable at their pleasure, any land, real estate, spring,
brook or water course, which they may deem necessary for the purpose
of supplying the said town and the citizens thereof with water, and they
are hereby vested with all the rights and powers necessary for the intro-
duction of water in said town, including the authority to contract with
any water company, persons or corporations, to furnish water sufficient
to supply the needs of said town. If from any cause said Water Board
shall be unable to agree with any owner of real or leasehold estate, spring,
brook, water or water course or any other material which partakes of or
is a part of real estate, or for any right of way which they may find neces-
sary for conduits for said water to enter in and distribute through said
town, or if such owner is under any disability or incapacity to contract,
or absent or unknown, the said Water Board is hereby clothed with power
of condemnation under the right of eminent domain, as now provided by
the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland as fully as if said provi-
sions had been herein incorporated. The said Water Board shall make
rules and regulations for the construction, erection, management and
maintenance of said waterworks and water distribution system and shall
establish rates for water service, and shall made semi-annual reports of
their proceedings and of the condition of said waterworks and water dis-
tribution system to the Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport; they
shall have power to enter into contracts for building said waterworks and
water distribution system, to contract for material therefor, to employ all
necessary labor and clerks, and to fix their compensation, and the four
persons appointed to said Water Board shall be appointed for the term
of one, two, three and four years, respectively, as to the first appointees,
and their successors shall be appointed for the term of four years. Any
member of the Water Board shall be eligible for reappointment, and the
Burgess of said town for the time being shall always be ex-officio a mem-
ber of said Water Board.
1924, oh. 19, sec. 3.
862. For the purpose of paying said bonds at maturity and the interest
thereon, the Burgess and Commissioners are authorized and required to