and electric service, and shall make semi-annual reports of their proceed-
ings, and of the condition of the respective plants to the Burgess and Com-
missioners of Williamsport; they shall have power to enter into contracts
for building said works to contract for material therefor to employ all
necessary labor and clerks, and to fix their compensation, and the four
persons appointed supervisors shall be appointed for the term of one, two,
three and four years, respectively, as to the first appointees, and their suc-
cessors shall be appointed for the term of four years. Any supervisor
shall be eligible for reappointment, and the Burgess of said town for the
time being shall always be ex officio a member of said Board of Super-
1898, ch. 27, sec. 4.
852. For the purpose of paying said bonds at maturity and the interest
thereon, the Burgess and Commissioners are authorized and required to
levy such tax upon the property within the taxable limits of said town as
may be necessary to enable them, in connection with the revenues arising
from said works, to pay said bonds and the interest thereon and the operat-
ing expenses and necessary repairs to said works, in each year until all
of said bonds shall be paid off; the said taxes so collected shall be paid
to the treasurer appointed by said Board of Supervisors, and the amount
levied for this purpose shall be in addition to the amount now authorized
by law. The moneys arising from water rents and electric rents shall be
applied, first, to payment of current expenses of said works, secondly, to
payment of interest on bonds, and thirdly, as to any balance, to provide
a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds; and whenever any bond
is paid off it shall be immediately burned and the fact noted in the regis-
tration book hereinbefore required and said Board of Supervisors is hereby
directed to provide and locate convenient hydrants and fire plugs for the
protection of property from fire.
1898, ch. 27, sec. 5.
853. The title to said water works and electric plant, with all the land,
conduits, privileges, franchises, and materials thereto respectively apper-
taining shall vest in the Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport in
their corporate capacity, and any person who shall wilfully or knowingly
pollute any spring, stream, brook, water course or reservoir in connection
with said water works by throwing any impure or deleterious thing into
the same, or by swimming, washing themselves or clothes or any other
unclean or impure thing therein, or by committing any nuisance in or
near the sources of supply or reservoir, so as to pollute the same, shall
upon conviction be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty
dollars, one-half to the informer, to be recovered before a justice of the
peace, and the other half to go to the said Burgess and Commissioners for
the purpose of this Act.