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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4947   View pdf image (33K)
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for incompetency, willful neglect of duty or misdemeanor in office on con-
viction in a court of law. No one shall be elected Tax Collector who shall
not be above twenty-one years of age and five years a resident of Wash-
ington County, Maryland, and in case of a vacancy in the office of Tax
Collector in consequence of death, resignation, removal, disqualification
or failure to properly qualify, the Governor shall fill said vacancy as soon
thereafter as practicable; the said Tax Collector shall perform and fulfill
all the duties and functions and be subject to all the obligations, require-
ments and limitations that are now, or may hereafter be defined, imposed
or required by any general law or statute of the State of Maryland, or any
local law or statute for Washington County upon a Collector for Wash-
ington County for the collection of all State taxes, appointed by the Coun-
ty Commissioners of Washington County under and in accordance with
the provisions of Section 50 of Article 81 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland (1929 supplement), title "Revenue and Taxes," sub-
title "Collectors and Collections," all of which said laws, general and
local, together with any future amendments thereto, being hereby made
applicable to the Tax Collector to be elected as in this section provided;
the compensation for said Tax Collector, elected as herein provided, to be
the same as is now or may hereafter be provided by law for such collector
appointed in conformity with said Section 50 of said Article 81, pro-
vided that said compensation shall not be less than that now paid to such
collector. Until the election of a Tax Collector under the provisions of
this Section the provisions of said Section 50 of said Article 81 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland shall be and remain in full
force and effect, the incumbent collector at the time of an election of a
Tax Collector under the provisions of this Section to hold office until the
commencement of the terms of office of the Tax Collector elected under
the provisions of this Section. Nothing herein contained shall be taken
to relieve any retiring collector, or Tax Collector, from the duty of col-
lecting after the expiration of his term of office the taxes levied during the
term of office of such retiring collector, or Tax Collector. The County
Commissioners of Washington County shall pay the premiums upon the
bond required of the Tax Collector elected under the provisions of this

Under Art. 17 of Md Constitution elected every four years.

1914, ch. 319.

805. It shall be the duty of every Collector of Taxes in Washington
County, promptly to deposit any and all moneys by him received and col-
lected in some bank or banking institution in Hagerstown, Maryland, the
said place of deposit to be approved by the County Commissioners of
Washington County, and in approving such place of deposit the said Com-
missioners shall prefer the bank or banking institution which shall agree
to pay the highest rate of interest on daily balances of said deposits; pro-
vided, however, if two or more banks or banking institutions shall agree
to pay the same rate of interest on said deposits, and the said rate of
interest shall be the highest rate of interest offered by a bank or banking
institution aforesaid, then the said Commissioners may prefer one of the


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4947   View pdf image (33K)
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