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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4935   View pdf image (33K)
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his duties, in such penalty as they may prescribe; the said bond shall
be for an amount of money not less than double the amount of taxes
levied, and shall receive compensation for his services as the commissioners
may deem proper; and any tax collector who shall violate the provisions
of this section shall be liable to indictment in the circuit court for Wash-
ington county, and upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both,
at the discretion of the court.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 374. 1888, ch. 313. 1900, ch. 504, sec. 374.

775. The Burgess and Commissioners shall have power to pass all
ordinances for the good government of the town; to prevent, remove and
abate all nuisances and obstructions in or upon streets, lanes or alleys,
drains or water courses in or upon any lot within the said corporation,
and to provide for imposing a fine upon any person causing or creating
such nuisance or obstruction; the Burgess and Commissioners shall have
power to enter into contract with any person, corporation or association
to purchase and erect lamps for lighting the streets of the town, and to
make such changes and alterations as they may deem proper; employ
lamplighters and other necessary labor and equipments; to remove or to
cause to be removed houses or other structures that may be dangerous to
persons passing along and over any of the highways of said town; to make
reasonable regulations in regard to buildings and porches to be erected
in said town, and to grant building permits for the same; to make and
establish grades upon the streets and highways of said town to be graded,
paved, repaired or improved, and kerbs to be set and gutters to be laid
at the cost and expense of the abutting property, or compel by fine or
otherwise, the owner or proprietor of any lot to pave or repave the side-
walks or footways; to set kerbs and lay gutters in front thereof, agreeably
to the ordinance now in force, or which may hereafter be passed; to cause
the water courses, drains and sewers of the town to be paved, kept in
repair and cleaned; to establish and regulate a station-house or lockup
for temporary confinement of violators of the law and ordinances of the
town; to suppress vagrancy; to prohibit or restrain the keeping of bawdy
houses or houses of ill-fame within the limits of the said corporation ; and
to provide for the punishment of all persons who shall keep, authorize or
suffer to be kept any such bawdy house, or house of ill-fame; to regulate
and provide for the issuing of licenses or permits for all hawking, ped-
dling and vending of wares and merchandise of every description upon
the streets or highways of the said town, and to issue licenses or permits
to all itinerant peddlers who may go from house to house to sell or to
vend any wares or merchandise; to issue license to any and to all persons
entering or beginning transient business in said town for the sale of goods,
wares or merchandise; to regulate and provide for the issuing of license
to all traveling persons who dispense medicines or medical advices; they
shall also have power to demand a license from all players or showmen
exhibiting within said corporation or the corporate limits of the said
town, and provide for the licensing such players and showmen, and to


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4935   View pdf image (33K)
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