the said comprehensive plan or budget and to apply the amount so with-
drawn for the improvement and repair of any other public road provided,
however, that no district road fund shall be applied to work in any other
1924, ch. 75, sec. 342F.
717. The Road Engineer of Washington County shall give bond to the
County Commissioners of Washington County conditioned upon the faith-
ful discharge of his duties and the protection of the said County Commis-
sioners of the loss or damage by reason of any acts, default, neglect, false
or fraudulent statement of his whatsoever in the penal sum of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars ($15,000). He shall have no pecuniary interest in
the affairs of any person, company or corporation from whom or which
he makes any purchase or with whom or which the County Commissioners
make any contracts, in respect to county roads and bridges, or in any con-
tract in relation to the same. The Road Engineer of Washington County
shall receive a salary of not less than Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000)
per annum, in monthly installments of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars
($250) each and Six Hundred Dollars ($600) or as much thereof as may
be necessary to meet his traveling expenses and the expenses incurred in
the discharge of his duties. All of which sums are to be paid from the
General Road and Bridge Fund.
1924, ch. 75, sec. 342G.
718. The County Commissioners of Washington County shall levy,
annually, upon the assessable property of the said County, at the time
for making the county levy, a rate sufficient to pay the interest and the
proper amount on the principal of any outstanding road bonds, a rate
sufficient to pay the State Roads Commission the amount due for lateral
roads or other plans for State Aid for road purposes, and a rate of not less
than twenty-five cents nor more than forty cents on the One Hundred
Dollars for county roads and bridges, The tax so levied and collected
outside the limits of all incorporated towns or cities, shall be set apart as
a special road and bridge fund for the use and benefit of the Election
District from which it has been levied and collected, and for no other
purposes. The tax so levied and collected within the limits of all incor-
porated towns or cities, together with all other money receivable by Wash-
ington County for road and bridge purposes, including all fines and for-
feitures on account of roads and bridges and all taxes collected on stocks
and bonds not apportioned to or assessed in any district shall be and con-
stitute a fund to be known as the General Road and Bridge Fund and
may be expended for any lawful road or bridge purpose anywhere in
Washington County and for no other purposes whatsoever. When there
shall not be sufficient money in the County Treasury set apart as the Gen-
eral Road and Bridge Fund to meet, the demand for an emergency the
County Commissioners of Washington County shall have the power to bor-
row money, not exceeding Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) in one
year, on the credit of the County to be paid out of the road money pro-