upon the property within the limits of the town of St. Michaels, in
said county, to be disbursed by the Commissioners of the Town of St.
Michaels for the repair and maintenance of the road bed of the streets
of said town; provided, that no money shall be paid hereunder until
and unless the Commissioners of the Town of St. Michaels shall, on or
before the thirty-first day of December in each year, file with the County
Commissioners of Talbot County an itemized statement, with the vouchers,
showing that for the year then just ended an actual expenditure of at
least five hundred dollars ($500) has been made upon the road bed of the
streets of the town of St. Michaels.
1900, ch. 113, sec. 4.
472. The Commissioners of St. Michaels are hereby authorized and
empowered to construct and erect water works and electric light plant for
said town, and empowered to do all acts necessary and proper for the
carrying out the provisions of this Act; and said Commissioners shall
have full control over the said wiater works and electric light plant, with
authority to employ such superintendents, workmen or other employees
as may be necessary or proper to carry on the same, and to purchase all
supplies and materials needed in constructing or conducting the same,
and also to provide rules and regulations for supplying said town with
water and light, and to fix and establish from time to time a schedule
of rates and charges to be made and collected for the use of water and
light by private consumers, and the said Commissioners shall, as in case
of other taxes, collect such charges, which are hereby made a lien on the
real estate upon which said water and lights are furnished, and all
moneys derived from water and light rents shall be used first, for the
payment of current expenses of said works; second, for the payment of
interest when due on the bonds authorized to be issued under this Act;
and thirdly, as to any balance, to provide a sinking fund for the payment
of said bonds at their maturity; and the said Commissioners are hereby
authorized and directed to make suitable provisions for the protection of
the property of said town from fire by providing a suitable number of fire-
plugs or public hydrants properly adapted to that purpose and conveniently
situated for use.
1916, ch. 461, sec. 1.
473. The Commissioners of St. Michaels are hereby authorized and
empowered to erect, construct, equip, maintain and operate a plant for
manufacturing and supplying electric current for lighting the streets,
avenues, lanes, alleys, squares and ways of St. Michaels and for other
municipal purposes, and for supplying light, heat and power to the citizens
*Secs. 1-3, ch. 113, 1900, authorized $15,000 of bonds for water works and light
plant. 1922, ch. 164, authorized St. Michaels to issue $10,000 for extension of water