foot assessment or tax sufficient to provide for the payment of one-half
the costs of construction of each of the aforesaid improved streets.
1920, ch. 27, sec. 2.
240. The assessment herein authorized for each of said improved
streets shall be and constitute a lien upon the respective properties abut-
ting on each of said streets, and shall be collected by the Town Clerk as.
other taxes are now collected. The Mayor and Council of Easton is hereby
authorized, in its discretion, to provide by ordinance for the payment of
said assessments in instalments, any deferred payments to bear interest
from such time as said ordinance may provide.
1927, ch. 77, sec. 1.
241. The Mayor and Council of Easton are hereby authorized, in their
discretion to enter into a contract with the Talbot County Free Library,
to contribute, annually in perpetuity a sum to be agreed upon with the
Library Board of said Library, in return for services rendered by said
Library, the nature and extent of such said service to be stipulated in
the contract agreed upon.
1927, ch. 77, sec. 2.
242. For the purpose of carrying out the additional obligations which
may be incurred under the provisions of the aforegoing section, the said
Mayor and Council of Easton, and they are hereby authorized, and di-
rected, in their discretion, to levy and collect annually, in perpetuity on
the assessable property of the said Town, a sum of money sufficient to
meet the obligations to be incurred by the said Mayor and Council of
Easton under the provisions of the aforegoing section.
1914, ch. 143, sec. 1.
243. The Mayor and Council of Easton are hereby authorized and
empowered to erect, construct, equip, maintain and operate a plant for
manufacturing and supplying electric current for lighting the streets,
avenues, lanes, alleys, squares and ways of Easton and for other municipal
purposes, and for supplying light, heat and power to the citizens of Easton
and vicinity and to fix rates and make contracts for supplying the same.*"
1914, ch. 143, sec. 4.
244. For the purpose of redeeming said bonds at maturity and for
securing the prompt payment of the interest thereon, the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Easton shall apply any surplus which may be received from time
to time from the operation of said electric plant to the payment of interest
*The other sections of ch. 143, 1914, authorised $30,000 of bonds for the light plant
and provided for the special commission to construct the plant, etc.