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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4578   View pdf image (33K)
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4578 ARTICLE 21.

1914, ch. 263, sec. 97-II.

226. The Commission shall, whenever practicable, employ the Town
Engineer in all matters requiring the services of an engineer in all the
plants or systems in its charge, and the Commission shall contribute to-
wards the salary of the Engineer, such amounts as shall be apportioned
to the various systems or plants by the Mayor and Council, provided,
however, that this section shall not be construed to prevent the Commis-
sion from employing a skilled manager for the water and electric plants.

1914, ch. 263, sec. 97JJ.

227. The Mayor and Council shall at all times, have the right to ex-
amine or have examined the books and accounts of the Commission and
have the power to remove any member of the Commission, against whom
charges may be filed and proved, by formal resolution passed by unani-

-mous vote of the Council and approved by the Mayor, provided, however,
that should a contingency arise whereby such action is taken, the member
thus removed shall have the right to a trial before the Circuit Court for

Talbot County and appeal to the Court of Appeals of Maryland.

1914, ch. 263, sec. 97KK.

228. In addition to the powers above enumerated the said Commis-

sion shall have the right to open streets for water mains and connections,

sewer mains and connections and for electric light poles or conduits, with-

out special permits, but notice must be given to the Mayor and Council
in writing of an intention to make such openings and the Commission is

required to have the openings carefully guarded to avoid accident and
to restore, or comply with the requirements of the town as to restoring,
the roadbed or sidewalk to its normal conditions.

1914, oh. 263, sec. 97LL.

229. The Treasurer of said Commission shall daily deposit the funds

of the Commission in his hands in bank, and shall select such bank as
shall pay the largest interest on daily balances, computed monthly.

1914, ch. 263, sec. 97MM.

230. The said Easton Utilities Commission shall have full authority
to sell to the Mayor and Council of Easton and to the inhabitants of
Easton and vicinity the products of the several utilities under its control
and management.

1916, ch. 302, sec. 97NN,

231. In addition to the powers now conferred upon the Easton Utili-
ties Commission, said Commission shall have full power and authority to
install ele'ctric wiring and fixtures in the town of Easton and vicinity,
to purchase materials and employ the necessary labor for such work, to
buy and sell electric materials and fixtures, and to borrow from time to
time upon a note or notes of the Commission, which note or notes shall
be a binding obligation of the Town of Easton and enforceable as such,


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4578   View pdf image (33K)
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