4494 ARTICLE 20.
or injure any growing grain, shrubs, herbs, roots, vines or vegetables, or
shall break, cut, pull off, destroy or injure any part of any house or other
building, or of any wall or fence, or any ornament or other valuable article
attached to any house or other building, wall or fence, in said county, shall,
on conviction thereof, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be
fined or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court.
1890, ch. 589, sec. 55
399. Any person or persons found trespassing upon any private prop-
erty in this county, which shall have been posted in at least three public
places or advertised in some newspaper printed in said county, in each
case at least thirty days before said trespass is committed, shall be liable
to arrest by any constable of said county, and shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before any justice of the peace
of said county, shall pay a fine of five dollars for first offense and ten
dollars for every subsequent offense; on failure to pay said fine the offender
shall be lodged in county jail for thirty days.*
1890, ch. 589, sec. 6.
400. The fines collected by any justice of the peace under the pro-
visions of this act, shall be paid by them to the county commissioners to
be placed by them to the credit of the school fund for said county.
1890, oh. 589, sec. 7.
401. It shall be the duty of any constable of aforesaid county to arrest
any person or persons violating any provisions of this act.
1894, oh. 575, sec. 4.
402. Any persori or persons trespassing upon the land of another in
said county with dog or gun, without leave, after notice forbidding such
trespassing has been conspicuously posted on said land or published in
some newspaper published in Somerset county, one week before such tres-
passing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction before any
justice of the peace for said county, shall be fined not less than five nor
more than ten dollars, in the discretion of the justice, and be committed
to the county jail until said fine and costs of prosecution be paid.
1914, ch. 762, sec. 1.
403. Every person within the confines of Wicomico or Somerset Coun-
ties, Maryland, not being insane, who has no visible means of mainte-
nance, from property or personal labor, or is not permanently supported
by his or her friends or relatives, who lives idle; without employment; and
*Secs. 1-4, ch. 589, of 1890, related to hunting and were amended by ch. 101 of
1892, and ch. 575 of 1894 and repealed by ch. 568 of 1927. Sec. 8, ch. 589, 1890, re-
pealed all laws in conflict therewith.