P. L. L., 1888, Art. 20, sec. 240. 187S, ch. 254. 1894, ch. 133.
394. He may be allowed for the removal of one convict to the peni-
tentiary, house of refuge, house of reformation or any other institution for
the punishment or reformation of persons convicted of crimes or other
offenses, the sum of thirty dollars, and for every additional prisoner con-
victed at the same term of court, or found guilty at the same time by a
justice of the peace, and sentenced to one of the said institutions, an addi-
tional compensation of ten dollars, and said com'pensation shall include
all expenses incidental to the removal of said convict, but nothing herein
contained is to interfere with any order of the court requiring the sheriff
to remove a prisoner at any other time.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 20, sec. 241. 1860, Art. 19, sec. 200.
395. He shall be entitled to fifty cents for the delivery of each certifi-
cate of appointment of trustees of the poor.
1924, ch. 66.
396. In all cases arising in Somerset County where a landlord is
authorized to distrain for rent due, and where a warrant of distress for
rent is now allowed by law to a landlord, such warrant may be directed to
the Sheriff of said County, and said Sheriff is hereby directed in all cases
to execute such warrants of distress, either himself or through his sworn
deputy. Any Sheriff of Somerset County neglecting or refusing in any
case to execute a warrant of distress for rent, shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than ten dolars, and
not more than twenty-five dollars, for each and every offense.
(All local laws relating to Terripins were repealed by ch. 266, Acts 1929. See 1929
Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 39.)
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 20, sec. 245. 1860, Art. 19, sec. 201.
397. If any person shall cut down, or cause or induce any person to
cut down, any tree or timber of a size not less than those commonly used
for hoop poles, with intent to steal the same, or any part thereof, within
the limits of said county, he, his aiders and abettors, having knowledge
of such intent to steal, shall be adjudged guilty of felony, and shall be
sentenced to such punishment as is or may be prescribed by law for felo-
niously stealing goods or chattels to the value of the tree, which shall be
cut down as aforesaid, and of the injury thereby occasioned.
P. L. L., 1888, Art 20, sec. 246. 1860, Art. 19, sec. 202.
398. Any person who shall advisedly and maliciously, with the intent
to injure the owner of any land, house or building in said county, cut
down any tree, or cut down, break, dig or pull up, or in any manner destroy