1894, ch. 543, sec. 210B.
322. They shall power to open new streets, lanes and alleys in
said town, and to straighten and increase the width of and to remove all
obstructions from those already used; and if they cannot agree with the
owner of the land or other property necessary for these purposes, or if
such be incompetent to contract or shall reside out of Somerset county,
the value thereof shall be ascertained by a jury of twelve disinterested!
men of the county, having no assessable property within the limits of said
town; and the said president and commissioners shall issue their warrant
to the sheriff of 'Somerset county to summons such jury; they shall meet
at Princess Anne, on a day to be fixed by the sheriff, at which the owners
of the property to be condemned shall have notice, and having been sworn
by the sheriff, without partiality or prejudice to value the property and
damages sustained by the owner by means of such condemnation, accord-
ing to their best skill and judgment, shall proceed to make such valuation,
and the sheriff shall return such inquisition, under his hand and seal and
under the hand and seal of the jury, to the commissioners of said town,
to be recorded among the land records of said county; and the said com-
missioners shall, upon payment or tender to the owner of the property
condemned of the damages assessed by the inquisition, acquire title to the
property so condemned for the purpose aforesaid.
1894, ch. 543, sec. 210C. 1904, ch. 138, sec. 210C.
323. All taxpayers who shall pay their taxes in the month of Sep-
tember next succeeding the levy of the same, shall be entitled to a discount
of three per cent, on the amount due, and all who pay in October follow-
ing said levy shall be entitled to a discount of two per cent., and all who
pay in November following said levy shall be entitled to a discount of one
per cent., which shall be allowed by the collector to such persons so paying
and shall be allowed to said collector in his settlement with said Commis-
1894, ch. 543, sec. 210C. 1904, ch. 138, sec. 210D.
324. And all taxes as aforesaid shall be due and bear interest from the
first day of January next succeeding the levy of same, and the collector
shall pay over any levy placed in his hands within nine months after the
receipt of the list of said levy, and upon his failure to do so his bond shall
be put in suit.
1894, ch. 543, sec. 210E,
325. The president and commissioners may assess and levy a tax, not
exceeding two dollars each, on every dog belonging to or kept by any of
the inhabitants of the town, to be recovered or collected as other taxes,
and shall compel the bailiff to kill every dog within the town whose owner
cannot be ascertained, or whose ostensible owner shall refuse to pay or
evade the payment of said tax.