4376 ARTICLE 20.
shall be removable at any time at the pleasure of said judges. The
stenographer so to be appointed shall be an officer of the court and shall
perform such duties as may be imposed upon him "by the judges of said
court or either of them, and shall be required to furnish type written or
printed copies to the attorneys of the court as the court may prescribe
and direct.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 20, sec. 41. 1867, ch. 335. 1868, ch. 77. 1892, ch. 346, sec. 41.
1927, ch. 260.
31. There shall be three county commissioners for Somerset County,
who shall hold office for four years, and until their successors shall be
elected and qualified. Each of said commissioners shall receive six dollars
per day for each day he shall be engaged in the discharge of his duties,
but not to exceed four hundred dollars ($400.00) in any one year in
addition to the mileage which may be allowed by law.
1910, ch. 76 (p. 1130).
32. The election districts of Somerset County are hereby rearranged
so as to divide Somerset County into three County Commissioners' dis-
tricts, as follows: Fairmount District, No. 6; Dublin District, No. 4, and
Westover District, No. 13, shall constitute County Commissioners' Dis-
trict, No. 1. Mount Vernon District, No. 5; St. Peter's District No. 2;
Dame's Quarter District, No. 11; Tangier District, No. 9; East Princess
Anne District, No. 15; Deals Island Distict, No. 14, and West Princess
Anne District, No. 1, shall constitute County Commissioners' District,
No. 2. The remaining districts of the county shall constitute County Com-
missioners' District, No. 3; and the Board of County Commissioners of
Somerset County shall consist of one person from each of the three
Commissioners' Districts aforesaid.
P. L. L., 1S88, Art. 20, sec. 42. 1860, Art. 19, sec. 41. 1892, ch. 346, sec. 42.
1894, sec. 579, sec. 42.
33. The County Commissioners of Somerset county, at their meeting
next before the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and
every two years thereafter, are hereby authoized to appoint a clerk to their
board, whose term of office shall be two years from the first day of July
after his appointment and qualification, unless sooner removed by death,
resignation or for incompetency, or other disqualification for the office, in
which case the said board shall have power to fill such vacancy for the
period of his unexpired term. His salary, not to exceed three hundred
and fifty dollars per annum, shall be fixed by the board of commissioners;
and before entering upon his official duties, he shall take and subscribe the
following oath or affirmation before one of the County Commissioners,
*Somerset County has been authorized to issue bonds, as follows: 1902, ch. 32.
$18,000 for schools; 1904, oh. 75, $30,000 for Court House; 1910; ch. 20, $25,000 for
schools; 1916, ch. 289, $3,500 for schools; 1918, ch. 11, $36,000 for refunding bonds.