4300 ARTICLE 19.
first day of January in each and every year thereafter, pay over to the
Commissioners of said town of Charlotte Hall that proportion of the
entire County levy for the laying out and repairs of roads which the real
property assessed within the limits of Charlotte Hall bears to the whole
amount of assessed property in St. Mary's County, so that the Commis-
sioners of Charlotte Hall may receive and disburse for the repairs and
maintenance of the streets of said town the amount levied upon the real
property within the corporate limits of the town of Charlotte Hall for
the construction and repair of roads by the same Commissioners of St.
Mary's County.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 21. 1867, ch. 125.
39. It shall not be lawful for any person, whether licensed to sell
spirituous liquors or not, to sell, dispose of, barter or give, within the
village of Charlotte Hall, or within two miles thereof, either directly or
indirectly, any spirituous or fermented liquors or cordials of any kind,
or in any quantity whatever, to any youth or minor under the age of
twenty-one years, without the written order of the parent or guardian
of such minor; and any person violating the provisions of this section
shall be liable to indictment in the circuit court for St. Mary's county;
nor shall it be lawful for any person licensed to sell spirituous or fer-
mented liquor, in the village of Charlotte Hall, to sell, dispose of, barter
or give liquor of any kind or in quantity, to be drunk in any store or
public place in said village, or at any place within two miles of said
village, other than a private dwelling, and upon conviction thereof he-
shall be fined a sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred
dollars for the first offense; and if convicted the second time for a like
offense, he shall be fined a sum not less than one hundred nor more than
five hundred dollars, and be confined in the county jail until said fines
'shall be paid; said fines to be collected in the same manner as similar-
fines are collected by law.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 19, sec. 22. 1868, ch. 439.
40. There shall be two regular terms of the circuit courts for the sev-
eral counties of St. Mary's, Calvert, Prince George's and Charles, com-
posing the seventh judicial circuit of this State, to which jurors shall be-
summoned, and said terms shall be held at the following times: for St.
Mary's county, at Leonardtown, on the third Monday of March and Sep-
tember in each year; for Calvert county, at Prince Frederick, on the first
Monday of May and the Wednesday next after the first Monday of"
November in each year; for Prince George's county, at Upper Marlboro,
on the first Monday of April and October in each year, and for Charles-
county, at La Plata,* on the third Monday of May and November in
each year.
*Formerly at Port Tobacco, which was burned.