4296 ARTICLE 19.
sue and be sued, plead and implead in court of law or equity, and may
have and use a corporate seal.
1914, oh. 113, sec. 2.
16. The corporate limits of the town shall be as follows : Commencing
at a marble monument, at a point on the west side of the State road from
Charlotte Hall to Mechanicsville, and running west and west by north
with the County road between New Market and Dubois, and with said
road passing in front of the home of Benj. Davis, to the north line of the
Charlotte Hall School survey, a distance of 170 perches from said monu-
ment to said north line. Thence north 45 degrees east about 275 perches
into the land of Carl Troyle. Thence east over the land of said Troyle
to the back of his house and on a line with a large cherry tree standing on
the west of the State road, north of Charlotte Hall, and continuing to
the back of the home of Dr. L. J. Sothoron, a distance of about 250
perches. Thence south to the County road leading from the State road at
or near New Market to "All Faith Church." Thence west with the
County road to the aforesaid monument, the beginning.
1914, ch. 113, sec. 3.
17. The qualified voters of said town having resided therein for six
months previous to any town election shall, on the first Monday in May,
1914, or so soon thereafter as conveniently may be, and annually there-
after on the first Monday in May, elect three Commissioners of Charlotte
Hall to serve for a year, or until their successors shall be duly elected and
qualified. The Commissioners must be substantial citizens, resident within
said corporate limits; must have resided therein for not less than six
months next preceding their election; must continue to reside within said
corporate limits during their term of office, and must serve without pay,
except the President, who receives the fees hereinafter allowed.
1914, ch. 113, sec. 4. 1916, ch. 651.
18. The three Commissioners shall, as soon as possible after their
election, choose one of their number President, and all vacancies occurring
in said Board of Commissioners shall be filled by an election held after
ten days' notice given by the remaining Commissioners or Commissioner.
1914, ch. 113, sec. 5.
19. The Commissioners shall meet in some convenient place in said
town on or before the first Monday in June following their election and
as often thereafter as may be necessary to the discharge of their duties.
1914, oh. 113, sec. 6.
20. Said Commissioners annually, on or before the first Monday in
April in each year, appoint three judges of election, who shall conduct
the election according to the laws of the State, except that the hours of
election shall be from 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock P. M.; except, further, that one
of the Judges shall act as clerk of said election; and except further, that the