4188 ARTICLE 18.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 70. 1860, Art 17, sec. 61.
97. He shall take charge of the market house and market, and shall
examine and inspect the victuals and provisions brought thereto for sale,
and if any shall be found unsound or unwholesome, shall seize and destroy
the same.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 71. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 62.
98. , He shall examine and try the weight of any butter brought to the
said market, and if short of weight, shall seize and sell the same at public
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 72. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 63.
99. He shall try the weights, scales and measures used at said market
by the standards of the county, and if any be found false or untrue, shall
seize the same, and after they are properly adjusted, sell them at public
sale, and shall account for the proceeds of all sales under this and the
preceding section, to the said commissioners.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 73. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 64. 1888, ch. 368.
100. All fines, penalties and forfeitures which may be recovered under
the provisions of this sub-title of this article, relating to the town of
Centreville, or any ordinance passed in pursuance thereof, may be recov-
ered before a justice of the peace of Queen Anne's county in the name of
the commissioners of Centreville, as small debts are recovered, and applied
to the benefits of said town; and the commissioners of Centreville, or the
justice of the peace, in case of non-payment thereof, as soon as adjudged
as aforesaid, in addition to process of attachment or execution for the
enforcement thereof, shall have power forthwith to commit the offender
to the county jail until the payment of said fine, penalty or forfeiture so
as aforesaid adjudged against him, together with all costs, unless sooner
released and discharged by the order of said commissioners.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. IS, sec. 74. 1876, ch. 230.
101. The commissioners shall annually appoint a person to be chimney
sweep for the town, who shall at least once in every six months sweep all
chimneys wherein wood fires are burned, and at least once in every twelve
months all chimneys wherein coal fires are burned; and for every neglect
or refusal of said chimney sweep to comply with the provisions of this
section, he shall, upon conviction thereof before some justice of the peace
of the town, pay a fine of not les than one or more than five dollars, to-
gether with the costs of prosecution, which said fines shall be collected
by the bailiff and be applied to the general expenses of the commissioners.
P. L. L., 1888, Art., 18, sec. 75. 1876, ch. 230.
102. If any person occupying any house in the town shall hinder or
prevent said sweep from complying with the provisions of the preceding
section, he shall, upon conviction thereof before some justice of the peace
of said town, pay to the commissioners at fine of not less than one dollar