4180 ARTICLE 18.
in which they are so levied. It shall be the duty of the said Town Clerk
to sit in the office of the said Town Commissioners or such other place
as Town Commissioners may designate for the purpose of receiving taxes,
one day before the fifth day of June and one day in each successive week
until the first day of July, and at such hours upon said days and dates as
Town Commissioners may designate, in each and every year; due notice
of each of said sittings shall be given by advertisement as hereinbefore
provided, and he shall report to the Town Commissioners, at their first
meeting after each of said sittings, the amount of taxes collected by him
up to the date of such report, and he shall deposit within three days after
each of said sittings in the two National Banks in Centreville all taxes
received or collected by him up to the date of such deposits, said deposits
to be made in the name of "The Town Commissioners of Centreville";
and the money so deposited shall only be drawn out upon checks of the
Town Treasurer, on warants issued by the said Town Commissioners
drawn on said Treasurer in payment of debts, demands and accounts due
by said town, duly approved and passed by said Town Commissioners, and
countersigned by one of the other Town Commissioners, and in making
such deposits and checking thereon, same shall be done so that the average
weekly balances remaining in each of said Banks, from all sources, shall
be, as far as practicable, equal, and any taxpayer having a sum of money
levied to his or her use, or a debt against the town, passed by said Town
Commissioners, and for which they have issued their warrants as afore-
said, shall only be entitled to have same paid after he or she has paid
the town taxes upon his or her property and is not indebted in any wise
1914, ch. 439, sec. 59B.
68. On the first day of August, in each year, taxes shall be deemed to
be in arrears, and interest shall be charged and collected on all taxes not
then paid from June 1st, the date when they became due and payable, and
between the first day of August and the fifteenth day of August, the Town
Clerk shall cause to be published as an advertisement in the two news-
papers printed and published in said town a list of such delinquents (if
there be two newspapers printed and published in said town, and if not,
then in one such newspaper), together with the amount of taxes due by
each, and the interest due thereon; and he shall deliver or mail to each
of such delinquents between the first day of August and the fifteenth day
of August in each year, an account of his or her assessment, and the taxes
and interest due thereon, with a notice of warning to such delinquent
thereto attached that, unless payment be made in full on or before the
first day of October next, the same will be collected by process of law; and
if on the said first day of October next the said taxes, interest and costs,
are unpaid, he shall immediately thereafter make up an additional list
of all delinquents assessed with real estate, giving the name of the persons
assessed, with as brief description of the property, the street, lane or alley
of its location and such references to conveyances as will render the same
possible of identification, together with the amount of taxes due and in