4178 ARTICLE 18.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 56. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 45.
62. If the owner of any stallion shall parade him through the streets
or on the public ground in said town, or suffer him to cover within the
same, he shall forfeit two dollars for each offence.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 57. 1868, ch. 53.
63. The justices of the peace of Queen Anne's county, resident in
said town, are declared to be conservators of the peace of said town; and
it shall be their duty to order the arrest of any person found breaking
the peace or disturbing the quiet and order of said town, or violating any
of the ordinances made by the commissioners for securing the safety of the
property or lives of the inhabitants thereof, and shall have power to re-
quire any person so offending to give security to keep the peace, or in
default thereof, may commit such person to the county jail for not more
than forty-eight hours, and in addition thereto, may impose a fine upon
such person of not more than five dollars, to be collected by execution
as officers' fees now are, and such fines shall go to the benefit of the town,
all fines, penalties and forfeitures which may be incurred under the pro-
visions of this subtitle of this article, and not otherwise provided for,
shall be recovered before a justice of the peace for Queen Anne's County,
resident in the town, in the name of the said commissioners, as small debts,
and applied to the benefit of the town; and in all such proceedings the
bailiff shall have the same power, proceed in the same manner, and have
the same fees as constables in cases of small debts, and for police duties
shall be entitled to the same fees as constables in like cases; and all
process shall be returnable before some justice of the peace for Queen
Anne's County, resident in said town.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 58. 1878, ch. 118. 1894, ch. 612, sec. 58.
1896, oh. 234, sec. 58. 1914, ch. 439, sec. 58.
64. The Commissioners shall adopt their present assessment and valua-
tion of all real and personal property in the town, now assessed, and shall
annually, between the first day of April and the first day of May, levy on
the property so assessed such sums of money, not to exceed fifty cents on
each one hundred dollars in any one year, as they may deem necessary
for the use, general improvement and expenses of said town; provided
that nothing in this Section shall be so construed as to relieve the Town
Commissioners from levying any taxes for payment of any bond or inter-
est thereon on any present or future bonded indebtedness of said town,
which is now, or may be, by any law required to be levied.
1906, ch. 6.
65. The Town Commissioners of Centreville are authorized and di-
rected to levy annually on the assessable property in the town of Centre-
ville, in addition to all other taxes which they are authorized to levy, a
sum of money, not to exceed seven cents on each one hundred dollars in
any one year, as a special tax for the housing, use, maintenance and equip-
ment of the Good Will Fire Company, the volunteer fire company now