4170 ARTICLE 18.
1929, ch. 16.
35. The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County are hereby
authorized and directed to transfer and surrender to the State Roads.
Commission of Maryland the Kent Island Narrows Bridge lying wholly
in said county and the State Roads Commission is hereby empowered and
directed to receive and accept the said bridge and to thereafter maintain,
the same as a part of the State Roads System.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 40. 1888, ch. 341.
36. "Broad Creek," Kent Islalnd, Queen Anne's county, an estuary
of Chesapeake Bay, shall hereafter be called and known as "Broad Har-
1908, ch. 608 (p. 982). 1914, ch. 355. 1927, ch. 39.
37. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, association or organ-
ization of any kind whatsoever to hold any camp meeting or bush meeting
within the limits of Queen Anne's County without first applying to a Jus-
tice of the Peace for Queen Anne's County and obtaining a permit for hold
ing such camp meeting or bush meeting. And whenever said Justice of the
Peace shall have any reasonable grounds for believing that any lawlessness;
or disorder will occur at said camp meeting or bush meeting he shall refuse
to grant said permit, and if, after issuing any permit to hold any camp
meeting or bush meeting there shall be any lawlessness or disorder it shall
be the duty of any Justice of the Peace to investigate the matter, and upon;
proof of said lawlessness or disorder he shall forthwith revoke said permit,
and it shall be the duty of the officers of Queen Anne's County to enforce
the provisions of this Act Any Justice of the Peace issuing any permit
as aforesaid shall charge therefor a fee of twenty-five dollars, of which
two dollars shall be retained by the said Justice of the Peace and twenty-
three dollars shall be paid by the said Justice of the Peace to the Treas-
urer of Queen Anne's County for the use of said county. Any person or
persons violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction there-
of before any Justice of the Peace of Queen Anne's County be fined not
less than five nor more than one hundred dollars, and upon refusal to
pay said fine and costs shall be committed to the County Jail for a period
of thirty days. All fines collected under this section shall be paid to the
County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County for the use of the public
1916, ch. 250, sec. 286.
38. It shall be unlawful on and after July first, nineteen hundred and
sixteen, for any person, firm, corporation, association or organization what
soever to open, conduct or operate any hotel, casino or excursion pavilion,.