1908, ch. 321 (p. 971). 1912, ch. 504, sec. 1.
25. It shall be the duty of the judges of the Circuit Court for Queen
Anne's County, annually, on and after the year 1912, during the May
term of said Court, to appoint from among the taxable inhabitants of said
county, without the least reference to their political opinions and of ap-
proved, character for competency and integrity, three persons who shall
constitute an auditing committee, whose duty it shall be to examine care-
fully the accounts, vouchers, books and papers of the Board of County
School Commissioners and Treasurer thereof for Queen Anne's County,
the Trustees of the Poor of Queen Anne's County, the County Treas-
urer of Qeeen Anne's County and the County Commissioners of Queen
Anne's County, and to report the same in duplicate, one of said reports
to be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court for said county, and one
with the County Commissioners of said county; and the County Commis-
sioners of said county are hereby directed to cause said report, imme-
diately upon the filing of the name* with them, to be published in two
newspapers published in Queen Anne's County, for such length of time
as they shall deem expedient.
1912, ch. 504, sec. 2.
26. It shall be the duty of the three persons, so are aforesaid appointed,
within thirty days after their appointment, to take and subscribe before
the clerk of the Circuit Court of Queen Anne's County on oath to well and
faithfully discharge the duties of a member of said auditing committee
without fear, favor or partiality; and if any person appointed as afore-
said shall for any cause fail to qualify as aforesaid, or qualifying, shall
refuse to act as a member of the said auditing committee, the ramaining-
member or members of the said committee are hereby authorized and em-
powered to fill said vacancy or vacancies and proceed to the discharge of
the duties of said committee as hereinafter set forth.
1912, ch. 504, sec. 3.
27. It shall be the duty of the said committee to proceed to carefully
examine the accounts, vouchers, receipts and other papers connected with
the receipts and disbursements of the public money of the County Treas-
urer of Queen Anne's County and of the County Commissioners of Queen
Anne's County on the third Monday of June following their appointment,
of the Board of County School Commissioners and the treasurer thereof
on the third Monday of August following their appointment and of the
Trustees of the Poor of Queen Anne's County on the third Monday of
July following their appointment, in such a manner as to show the true
financial status and condition of each of the said boards and officers of
the said county; and whenever it shall be deemed necessary, in the judg-
ment of the said committee, or be required by any five or more respectable
*"Same" evidently Intended.