4166 ARTICLE 18.
chargeable to said county, any justice of the peace, if, upon hearing the
party, he shall adjudge the complaint to be well founded, may commit
such disorderly person to said almshouse for any time not exceeding three
months, unless he shall find security, in the discretion of said justice, not
exceeding twenty-five dollars, for his good behavior during the space of
six months.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 19. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 19.
19. Upon complaint and due proof made by the overseer of the arms-
house to any one trustee that any person in the said almshouse has be-
haved in a disorderly manner, or has neglected or refused to perform his
daily labor, or to obey and keep any of the rules, ordinances or by-laws
of the said corporation, the said trustee may direct such moderate and
proper correction, not exceeding ten lashes, to be given to said offender,
as he may think proper.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 20. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 20.
20. Any one of said trustees, under his hand in writing, may direct
what poor shall be received in said almshouse.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 21. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 21.
21. Any justice of the peace of said county, and any one authorized
and appointed by such justice, may apprehend, or cause to be apprehended
and committed to the said almshouse, any vagrants, vagabonds, beggars,
and other idle, dissolute and disorderly persons found loitering or residing
in the said county, who follow no labor, trade or occupation, and who have
no visible means of subsistence, there to be kept at hard labor for any time
not exceeding three mouths.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 22. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 22.
22. If any person shall sell or dispose of to, or purchase from, any
inmate of said almshouse, any matter or thing whatsoever, he shall forfeit
for every such offence the sum of twenty-five dollars.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 23. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 23.
23. All sheriffs, constables and other officers shall aid the said trustees
and the officers appointed by them, in the discharge of their respective
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 18, sec. 24. 1860, Art. 17, sec. 24.
24. If any person shall at any time be sued or prosecuted for anything
done in pursuance of this subtitle of this article, or anything therein
contained, he may plead the general issue and give the special matter in
evidence; and if upon trial, verdict shall be found for the defendant, or
if the plaintiff be non-suited or discontinue, the defendant shall recover
treble costs, and if the plaintiff shall be unable to pay them, they shall
be paid by the attorney who brought or prosecuted the suit, unless the
plaintiff shall give security for them, to be approved by the court.