4048 ARTICLE 17.
1927, ch. 381, sec. 2.
876. The Mayor and Common Council of Riverdale are hereby di-
rected when the owners of more than fifty per cent, of the land abutting
on Washington Avenue between the Washington-Baltimore Boulevard and
Maryland Avenue shall, in writing, petition said Mayor and Common
Council for the laying of the roadway and sidewalk as provided for in
Section 875 hereof, borrow a sum of money, not exceeding Fifteen Thou-
sand Dollars, on the faith and credit of said Mayor and Common Council,
and issue therefor, and as evidence therefor, bonds or other evidences of
indebtedness, upon such terms and conditions as the Mayor and Common
Council of Riverdale may designate. The proceeds arising from the sale
of any bonds or from any loan so made shall be used exclusively for the
purpose of laying the roadway, gutters and sidewalks provided for in
Section 875 hereof, and no part of the same shall be used for any other
purpose whatsoever.
1927, ch. 381, sec. 3.
877. Whenever the owners of more than fifty per cent, of the land
abutting on Washington Avenue, between its intersection with the Wash-
ington-Baltimore Boulevard and the curb line of Maryland Avenue, in the
town of Riverdale, shall, in writing, petition the Mayor and Common
Council of Riverdale for the construction of a roadway, gutters and side-
walks, or a roadway or sidewalk, and pledge themselves, in writing, to
pay their respective shares of the cost of such improvements, the Mayor
and Common Council of Riverdale shall forthwith proceed to procure esti-
mates of the total cost thereof, and shall borrow sufficient money to pay
for the same, not exceeding Fifteen Thousand Dollars, and proceed to
advertise publicly for bids for the doing of said work in some newspaper,
published in Prince George's County, once a week, for three successive
weeks, which said bids shall be publicly opened, and the contract there-
for let to the lowest responsible bidder, who shall be required to give bond
in such sum as the Mayor and Common Council shall designate condi-
tioned for the faithful performance of his contract.
1927, ch. 381, sec. 4.
878. When the Mayor and Common Council shall contract with the
lowest responsible bidder, as in Section 877 hereof provided, the Mayor
and Common Council shall cause to be levied against the abutting prop-
erty owners the entire cost of said improvements, each lot being assessed
the proportionate share of the total cost, which the portion of said lot
abutting on said street bears to the entire length so to be improved. Said
assessment shall become due and payable sixty days after the levying
thereof, provided that the abutting property owners may at their option
pay said assessment in six equal semi-annual payments, the first of which
shall be due at the end of the sixty day period, and said installments to
bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, from the end of the
said sixty day period. The proceeds arising from the payment by the
abutting property owners by the levy above provided for shall be used to