the town limits now possessed by constables of Prince George's County as
to the ordinances of said town; the Council shall have power to elect
either one of their number or some person not a member of the Council as
their clerk and fix the compensation of the same; shall have power by ordi-
nance to provide for the good government of the town, for preservation of
peace and order therein and for the maintenance of the good health of the
residents thereof, provide and regulate the service of lights for said town
and provide by ordinance for any regulation or regulations governing the
same; regulate, license or prohibit any and all such business and occupa-
tions within the corporate limits thereof as shall injuriously affect the
sanitary or moral conditions thereof, and by ordinance enforce any such
regulations. Said Common Council shall have the, power to construct
and maintain streets, roadways and sidewalks; said Common Council may
provide by ordinance for the removal of nuisances, for the removal of
obstructions from the streets, lanes, or sidewalks, for prohibiting the carry-
ing of concealed weapons, for prohibiting and regulating the discharge of
firearms, firecrackers, torpedoes and other explosives, for preventing swine,
cattle, horses and other animals from running at large on the streets, road-
ways and sidewalks of said town; said Common Council may make ordi-
nances regulating all public amusements and exhibitions, for the suppres-
sion of vice and immorality and for the apprehension of vagrants. Said
Common Council may pass all ordinances necessary to cany out and en-
force the foregoing provisions and to give full force and effect to the
powers and authority conferred on said corporation and may enforce said
ordinances by reasonable fines and penalties; it may recover said fines and
penalties by action of debt. And in addition thereto the Mayor sitting as
a judge may order the confinement of the parties or party convicted of
violating any such ordinance and failing to pay such fine or penalty, until
said fine or penalty shall be paid, not exceeding fifteen days in the town
lock-up, if any be provided, or in the county jail, and the sheriff of Prince
George's County shall receive and confine any person so committed. Said
Council shall also have the power to fix the compensation of the treasurer
of said town.
1920, ch. 731, sec. 9.
872. Every officer of said town, whether elected or appointed, shall,
before entering upon the duties of his office, make oath that he will dili-
gently and faithfully, without favor, affection or partiality, execute the
duties of his office. The elective officers of said town shall make such oath
before any Justice of the Peace or Notary Public of Prince George's
County, and the appointive officers before the Mayor and Common Council
of said town, each of whom shall have the power to administer oaths within
said town. The certificate of said oath shall be filed with either the Mayor
or the Clerk of said Council.