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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4   View pdf image (33K)
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P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 9. 1860, art. 1, sec. 6.

9. The sheriff and constables of said county shall sue for and collect
said penalties and pay them to -the clerk of the circuit court for said
county, and shall take duplicate receipts from said clerk, and transmit
one of said receipts to the comptroller.

P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 10. 1860, art. 1, sec. 7.

10. The clerk of the circuit court shall pay to the State treasurer all
money received for such licenses in the same manner and time as the
money received for other licenses, and shall be entitled to the same com-
missions thereon, and the official bond of such clerk shall be liable therefor.


1918, ch. 328, sec. 2.

11. The citizens of the Town of Barton, in Allegany County, are
hereby constituted and made a body corporate by the name o'f The Mayor
and Commissioners of Barton, with all of the privileges of a body cor-
porate, and by that name to sue and be sued, and to have and to use a
common seal and to have perpetual succession.

1918, ch. 328, sec. 3. 1920, ch. 85. 1929, ch. 165.

12. The limits of the said town shall be as follows: Beginning at a
point marked "B" on the retaining wall along the East side of the C.
& W. Electric Railway and at the Northwest corner of the County Bridge,
said point being the beginning of the present boundary of the Town of
Barton, and running with the following courses and distances:

(1) North 18° 30' East 1,440 feet to a stake.

(2) North 49° 30' East 1,200 feet to a large white oak tree, marked
with 3 notches, standing Northeast of the Moscow and George's Creek Coal
Mining Company shop, this being also the end of the first line of the
present boundary of the Town of Barton, and running with the lines of the
present boundary as follows :

(3) South 84° 11' West 654 feet to a locust tree, marked with 3 notches,
said tree stands on the Northeast side of the Moscow and George's Creek
Coal Mining Company plane.

(4) South 43° 28' West 1,388 feet to a large sugar tree marked with
3 notches.

(5) South 89° 45' West 650 feet to a stake.

(6) South 16° 30' West 2,440 feet to a stake, said stake stands North
73° 00' West 44 feet from a large white oak tree marked with 3 notches.

(7) South 00° 19' East 400 feet to a stake near a large white oak tree
marked with 3 notches.

(8) South 6° 50' East 540 feet to a stake on the 7th line of the present
boundary, then leaving said 7th line.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4   View pdf image (33K)
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