able schooling and education to such child, then it shall not be so bound
out, but shall be delivered to such relatives; said bond shall be given to
the State of Maryland and recorded in the Clerk's office of the Circuit
Court for Allegany County, and suit may be brought thereon by the Coun-
ty Commissioners of said county if they shall afterwards become liable
to support such child, or suit may be brought thereon by such child (by
guardian or next friend) if it shall be damaged by the failure of the
obligors to fulfill the conditions thereof.
P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 4. 1874, ch. 284. 1910, ch. 685, sec. 4 (p. 511).
4. Every child bound under the provisions of the preceding section
shall, if a male, be bound until he arrives at the age of twenty-one years,
or if a female the age of eighteen years, and said County Commissioners
shall in all cases make it a part of the contract on the part of the master
or mistress of such apprentice, that he or she shall give such apprentice
reasonable education in reading, writing and arithmetic, and also teach
said apprentice, especially if a male, some useful art or trade, and in all
cases supply clothing and maintenance.
P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 5. 1874, ch. 284. 1910, ch. 685, sec. 5 (p. 511).
5. The Orphans' Court of Allegany County shall have full jurisdiction
over all such cases of apprenticeship in the manner prescribed by Article
6 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Apprentices."
Article 6 repealed by ch. 186, Acts of 1927.
P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 6. 1860, art. 1, sec. 3.
6. It shall not be lawful for any person to vend at auction any goods,
wares or merchandise within the limits of the city of Cumberland, or
within the circuit of one mile thereof, or within the limits of any incor-
porated town n Allegany County, unless he shall first pay to the clerk
of the circuit court for said county the sum of fifty dollars for the privi-
lege of so doing for one year, or eight dollars per day for each day he
may be so employed in selling.
P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 7. 1860, art. 1, sec. 4.
7. The provisions of the preceding section shall apply only to persons
who shall bring goods, wares and merchandise from abroad, to sell at
auction within the limits therein mentioned, and to persons who shall
sell at auction goods, wares or merchandise sent from abroad for the
express purpose of sale upon commission.
P. L. L. (1888), art. 1, sec. 8. 1860, art. 1, sec. 5.
8. Any such person who shall sell goods, wares or merchandise at
auction within the limits aforesaid without having first paid the license
required in Section 6, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars,
to be recovered by suit in the name of the State in the same manner as
small debts are recoverable.