3890 ARTICLE 17.
be committed within the town limits or beyond, and for regulating the
use of town water, and, if necessary, cutting off all persons who abuse
the right to use the same; it may pass all ordinances necessary from time
to time to carry out and enforce the foregoing provisions, and to give full
force and effect to the powers and authority conferred on said corporation,
and may enforce such ordinances by reasonable fines and penalties, not
exceeding twenty-five dollars in any one case, as may appear to them
right; it may recover said fine or penalty by action of debt, and in addi-
tion thereto, may imprison the offender until the fine be paid, not exceed-
ing thirty days, imprisonment to be in the town lock-up, if one be pro-
vided, or in the county jail, and the sheriff of Prince George's county shall
receive and confine any person so committed.
1908, ch 79, sec. 14. 1912 Code, sec. 305.
514. The Mayor and Common Council may pass such ordinances as it
may deem necessary for the preservation of the health of the town, and
remove all nuisances from, and prohibit all business within the corpo-
rate limits thereof, as shall in its opinion affect the sanitary conditions
1908, oh. 79, sec. 15 1912 Code, sec. 306.
515. The Mayor and Common Council shall have authority to extend
the water mains and sewers as the interest of the town, from time to time
in its opinion demand assessing upon the land abutting such extensions
the cost thereof, which assessment shall be a lien upon such abutting prop-
erty, to be assessed at such time as the Mayor and Common Council may
determine, and to be collected from the owners of said abutting property
by said Council as taxes due the corporation of Hyattsville are collected,
and the Mayor and Common Council shall have power to make all neces-
sary regulations as to the notice of such assessments to the property
Lyon v. Hyattsville, 125 Md. 308 Lyon v. Hyattsville, 132 Md. 61.
1908, ch. 79, sec. 16. 1912 Code, sec 307. 1927, ch 166.
516. The Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville shall in Janu-
ary, 1928, and shall annually thereafter, appoint three assessors, who shall
have the same qualifications as those required for members of the Common
Council as to residents and property, who shall, under its direction, make
an assessment of all unassessed property within the corporate limits of the
town of Hyattsville, assessing separately, land, improvements and per-
sonal property, including franchises to use the streets, at a fair cash
value, at public sale, as near as they may be able to determine the same.
The said Mayor and Common Council shall, whenever they determine
the public interests so requires, direct, in any year, a new assessment of
all property within the corporate limits of said town, the same to be made