be imprisoned for not less than thirty or more than sixty days, and fined
a sum not less than double that imposed on such person on last preceding
conviction, and his license, if any were issued, shall be declared null and
void by the Court, and no new license shall be issued to such person for a
period of two years from the time of such conviction, nor to any one else
to carry on said business wherein he is in anywise interested as before
provided for the second violation of the provision of this section; one-half
of all the fines to be imposed under this section shall be paid to the State,
and the other half to the informer. This section is not to apply to milk or
ice dealers supplying their customers, or to apothecaries when putting up
bona fide prescriptions.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 53. 1914 Code, sec. 76.
61. It shall not be lawful for the keeper of any hotel, tavern, store,
drinking establishment, or any other place where liquors are sold, or for
any person in said city, directly or indirectly, to sell, barter, give or dis-
pose of any spirituous or fermented liquors, ale or beer, or intoxicating
drinks of any kind, on the day of any election in said city.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 54. 1914 Code, sec. 77.
62. Any person violating the provisions of the preceding section shall
be liable to indictment, and upon conviction shall be fined a sum not less
than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each and every
offense; one-half of the fine shall be paid to the informer, the other half
to the County Commissioners, for the use of public roads.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 56. 1914 Code, sec. 78.
63. The Mayor, Counselor and each Alderman, in virtue of their office,
shall have and exercise, within the limits of the corporation, all the juris-
diction and powers of a justice of the peace.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 57. 1908, ch. 696. 1910, ch. 479. 1914 Code, sec. 79.
64. The annual tax levy shall be made by the Mayor, Counselor and
Aldermen of the City of Annapolis on or before the first day of August,
in the year 1910, and in each succeeding year, and said taxes shall be
due and payable not later than thirty days after the publication of the
ordinance imposing the tax rate; and shall have full power and authority
in all particulars to provide by ordinance not inconsistent with this Article,
or any law heretofore passed amending the Charter of the City of
Annapolis, for the levying and collection of taxes, for municipal purposes,
upon the assessable property within the limits of said city, of whatsoever
kind, not exceeding one per centum per annum on each and every one
hundred dollars' worth of property; and also to provide by ordinance to
charge interest on said taxes in such manner and upon such terms as they
may deem expedient, not exceeding six per cent, per annum.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 2, sec. 58. 1908, ch. 696. 1910, ch. 479. 1914 Code, sec. 80.
65. It shall be the duty of the Collector and Treasurer, as soon as
the annual tax levy shall have been made, to give public notice thereof, bv