1924, ch. 252, sec. 1.
1014. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to use,
handle, tamper with, obstruct, interfere with, deface or destroy any of
the property of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, includ-
ing pipes, fittings, fire-plugs, pumps, engines, appliances, wires or other
fixtures or equipment owned or used by the said Commission in the con-
struction and operation of its systems within the Washington Suburban
Sanitary District except under such rules and regulations as the said
Commission may adopt.
1924, ch. 252, sec. 2.
1015. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation within
the Sanitary District created by Chapter 122 of the Acts of 1918, or upon
any watershed from which the said Commission gets its water supply,
whether within or without said District, to leave unburied for a longer
period than twenty-four hours any dead animal or animals or fecal mat-
ter, and the Commission may in addition to the penalty hereinafter pro-
vided after the expiration of said time bury said animal or fecal matter
and charge the cost thereof to the owner or the person upon whose prop-
erty the same is found.
1924, ch. 252, sec. 3,
1016. Any violation of the provisions of this Act are hereby declared
to be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable before any Justice of the
Peace or the Circuit Court of the County in which such offense is com-
mitted, and any persons adjudged guilty thereof shall be subject to a
fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or thirty days in the
county jail or both in the discretion of the Court.
1914, ch. 743, sec. 1.
1017. Before any person or persons shall be qualified to do interior
electric wiring in Montgomery County he must first secure from the Clerk
of said County a license authorizing him to do such work, and the fee
for such license is hereby fixed at the sum of five dollars; and said license
shall be good for one year from the date of its issue unless forfeited for
violation of some provision of this Act.
1914, ch. 743, sec. 2.
1018. The rules and regulations of the National Fire Insurance Under-
writers Association shall apply to all interior wiring done by any person
or persons within the limits of said County.
1914, ch. 743, sec. 3.
1019. Any person doing electric wiring within any house or building
within said County without first complying with the provisions of Sec-
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