3678 ARTICLE 16.
Commission may determine to be reasonable and fair; and provided that
wherever there are a number of lots in the same block in one ownership ap-
purtenant to a residence, the Commission may give a continuous frontage
to all of said lots regardless of the streets upon which they face, and pro-
vided, further, that no lot in a subdivision or business classification shall
be assessed on more than one side; that corner lots in these classes shall
be assessed on that frontage towards which the building should naturally
face; that lots running through with front and rear on separate streets
may be assessed on both front and rear, and that all lots in these classes
shall be assessed for their full frontage even though a water main or sewer
may not extend along the full length of any boundary; and provided, fur-
ther, that no land so classed as agricultural by this Commission, when in
actual use for farming or trucking purposes, shall be assessed a front foot
benefit when such agricultural land has constructed through it or in front
of it a sewer or water main, until such time as a water or sewer connec-
tion is made, and when so made and for every connection such land shall
become liable to a front foot assessment for such reasonable frontage, not
exceeding three hundred foot front, as may be determined by said Com-
mission, and shall be immediately assessed at the rate of assessment deter-
mined upon by said Commission for agricultural land; provided, further,
that State, County and Municipal buildings or property or public parks
or playgrounds owned by a municipality, and any building owned by a
regularly organized volunteer fire department while so used, shall be ex-
empt from said front foot benefit charge, and from the service and water
consumption charge for water used exclusively for public or fire depart-
ment purposes.
Future front foot benefit charges for water supply and sewer construc-
tion shall be uniform for each class of property throughout the Sanitary
District for any one year, except, however, Gaithersburg and Washington
Grove, against which a benefit charge approximating the cost of the sys-
tems therein shall be levied; provided, however, that whenever the Com-
mission acquires an existing system, other than a municipal system, the
construction cost of which has been added in whole or in part to the pur-
chase of land or lots abutting upon said system and which contribution
the Commission has determined to be a factor in the cost to the Commis-
sion of such system, the Commission may, in its discretion, levy a front
foot assessment less than the uniform front foot assessment levied in the
remainder of said Sanitary District. The amount of the charge per front
foot for each class of property for both water main and sewer shall be
determined from time to time by the Commission as costs and conditions
require, but no benefit charge once levied by said Commission shall be in-
Said benefit charge shall be paid annually beginning from the time of
the levy thereof by all properties located as above specified, for a period
of years co-extensive with the period of maturity of the bonds out of the
proceeds of which such construction was done; provided, however, that any
property owner may, at his option, within one year from time said front