the City of Cumberland and the President of the Board of County Com-
missioners of Allegany County shall comprise said Board, and all the
members of said Board, with the exception of the said Mayor of Cumber-
land and the said President of the Board of County Commissioners of
Allegany County shall retain office until they shall reach the age of sixty-
five years or during good behavior. Said Board shall elect from among
its members a Chairman and a Secretary and a Treasurer and shall hold
regular monthly meetings and oftener if necessary. Said Board shall
iave power by a majority vote at any regular meeting to expel any mem-
ber thereof, for cause, and in the event of a vacancy caused by death,
Tesignation, expulsion, removal from the City of Cumberland or its im-
mediate suburbs, or upon the attaining of the age of sixty-five years of
any member thereof, said Board shall elect a successor to fill such vacancy.
The term of the Mayor of the City of Cumberland and the President of
the County Commissioners of Allegany County as ex-officio members of
said Board shall be co-extensive with their respective term of office and
no longer.
1927, ch. 411, sec. 7.
155. Said Board of Governors shall have power to select the land upon
which said Hospital shall be erected, the title to which shall be in the
name of the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, Maryland, select
plans for said Hospital building, and necessary auxiliary buildings, and
the method and manner of equipping same, and advertise for, and make
contracts for the erection and equipment of the same within the limits of
the proceeds of sale of the amount of bonds hereby authorized to be used
for said purpose, and/or such further sum or sums of money as shall be
received from the County Commissioners of Allegany County or any other
individual or corporation, and shall have no power to contract for or
expend a greater sum than herein provided from the sale of said bonds
or received from said Board of County Commissioners of Allegany County
or other individuals or corporations prior thereto. When and after the
said Board of Governors shall have entered into contracts for the erection
and equipment of said Hospital building and necessary auxiliary build-
ings as herein provided, and after the sale of said bonds for said purpose,
the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall deposit to the credit
of said Board of Governors in such financial institution as said Board
of Governors may direct the proceeds of said bonds so sold for said pur-
pose, and thereupon said Board of Governors shall expend the same ac-
cording to the terms of contracts made by them.
1927, ch. 411, sec. 8.
156. Upon the completion of said Hospital building and prior to its
opening as a Hospital, proper ceremonies shall be held to the end that such
Hospital shall be dedicated to the memory of those residents of Cumber-
land and Allegany County who served the nation in all its armed forces,
and the agencies auxiliary thereto, during the War of 1917 and 1918,