of Charity, Inc., for the purpose of the erection of a hospital building or
additions or improvements to the present hospital building of the said
Allegany Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, Inc., either in or near to
the City of Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland. And provided
further, that in the event the said Allegany Hospital of the Sisters of
Charity, Inc., its successors or assigns, shall within a period of twenty
years voluntarily relinquish the work of general hospitalization in such
hospital in or near the City of Cumberland, Maryland, that upon demand
of the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, Maryland, the said sum
of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00), or any part thereof, shall
be returned to the said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, and the
acceptance by the Allegany Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, Inc., of
any sum from the said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland under the
provisions of this Bill shall be an acceptance of the conditions hereof,
provided further, that nothing herein shall be taken to prevent the said
Allegany Hospital of the Sisters of Charity, Inc., from transferring the
work of hospitalization from the present hospital to any other location
within or near the City of Cumberland, Maryland, upon satisfactory evi-
dence of bona fide contracts therefor given to the said Mayor and City
Council of Cumberland.
1927, ch. 411. sec. 5.
153. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland are hereby author-
ized and empowered to use the proceeds from the sale of the bonds herein
authorized to be issued to the amount of four hundred thousand dollars
($400,000.00) for the purpose of taking title to land and the erection or
maintenance and operation of a public general hospital in or near the City
of Cumberland, Maryland, to be known as the Memorial Hospital of Cum-
berland, Maryland, under the direction of the Board of Governors of
said hospital as hereinafter provided, and to expend said proceeds to such
an amount.
1927, ch. 411, sec. 6. 1929, ch. 515, sec. 6.
154. That for the purpose of securing land, the erection of suitable
buildings, the purchase of proper equipment, and the maintenance and
operation of said Memorial Hospital, a Board of Governors is hereby
created, which shall be and is hereby made and constituted a body politic
and corporate by the name and style of the Board of Governors of the
Memorial Hospital of Cumberland, and by that name shall have perpetual
succession, and shall be capable to sue and be sued, to have a common seal,
and the same at its pleasure to alter and/or break, and to have all the
powers herein granted it, and all such other powers as shall be proper and
necessary to operate and manage said hospital and/or a public general
hospital, as fully as if incorporated for such purposes under the provi-
sions of the Public General Laws of Maryland. Said Board shall consist
of seven members, and Thomas B. Finan, Tasker G. Lowndes, Morris
Rosenbaum, George G. Young and Arthur J. Weber, and the Mayor of