same qualifications as to property, age and all other matters that men are
required by this Article to possess for said municipal office or position.
1922, ch. 96, sec. 106.
106. The said Mayor and City Council may at any time provide by
ordinance for the codification, or re-codification of such ordinances as have
been or may hereafter be passed by them and for the printing of such
codification or re-codification thereof and the printed copy thereof issued
by authority and under the sanction of said Mayor and City Council shall
be legal evidence of the passage of said ordinances and the contents thereof
in any court of law or equity in this State.
1922, ch. 96, sec. 107.
107. All ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations, now in force in
the City of Cumberland, and not in conflict with the provisions of this
Article shall remain in force under this Article until altered, amended or
repealed by said Mayor and City Council after this Act takes effect. It is
especially provided that whenever in this Article bonds are required to be
given by the various persons therein named, the said Mayor and City
Council may, if they so decide require a bonding company, of recognized
solvency to be secured on any or all of said bonds, instead of requiring
personal security.
And it is further provided that nothing in this Article shall be taken
or construed to impair the obligations of outstanding legal contracts of the
Mayor and City Council of Cumberland.
1922, ch. 96, sec. 108.
108. All rights, titles and interests heretofore acquired by the said
Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, or any other persons or corpo-
rations, in and to all liens for paving, grading, curbing, sewering, repav-
ing, regrading, recurbing, resewering or otherwise improving the streets,
James and alleys of said city, under Sections 68, 68a, 68b, 69, 70, 70a and
70b of Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Mary-
land,* or under any amendments thereto or under any other laws of the
State of Maryland under which said liens may have been or have been
acquired are hereby saved and preserved to be availed of by the said Mayor
and City Council or any other persons or corporations as fully and to the
same extent as though this Article had not been passed, and nothing in
this Article shall be construed as in any manner impairing the validity of
any such liens which have already accrued under the aforesaid sections of
Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, or under any
*As said sections existed when ch. 96, 1922, was enacted.