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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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held in said city under the Charter thereof, on or before the first Monday
in February in such year elect two persons of opposite political faith in
each precinct to act as officers of registration, who shall sit as officers of
registration at the usual polling places in each precinct on the third and
fourth Monday of February, in the year of said election from the hours
of 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. each day, and ten days' public notice of such sitting
shall be given by the City Clerk by advertisement in at least two of the
daily newspapers of said city.

1922, ch. 96, sec. 104. 1924, ch. 1, sec. 104.

104. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland may, whenever, in
their judgment the interests of the City of Cumberland so require it,
elect two persons of opposite political faith from each precinct in said
city, and said persons so elected shall be registration officials in their-
respective precincts and shall, on the first and second Monday and Tues-
day in February, in any year designated by said Mayor and City Council
of Cumberland, conduct a general registration of all voters in the pre-
cincts of said city; said registration shall be conducted in each precinct
by the person so elected at the usual city polling places in said precincts,
and said registration officials shall sit on the days1 indicated from 8 A. M.
to 8 P. M., and shall sit during the same hours on the third Monday in
February, in the year so designated, for the purposes of revision; ten.
days' public notice of such registration shall be given by the City Clerk
by advertisement in at least two of the daily newspapers of said city,
and by posting handbills in the most public places in each precinct of said
city; the books for such registration shall be prepared by the City Clerk,
and shall be substantially the same form as those used by the Board of
Supervisors of Election for Allegany County, and except when being used
for registration or election purposes, said books shall be kept at the City
Hall in the custody of the City Clerk of said city; said registration shall
be made and corrected in the manner provided in the General Registration.
Laws of the State, and shall specify the residence of the voter of each.
street, lane or alley, and such registration shall be essential to the right
of voting at any election under this Charter, but shall not be conclusive-
evidence of such right to vote; all applicants for registration must be-
citizens of the State of Maryland, and resident in the City of Cumber-
land for one year, and registered or entitled to registration as a voter in.
Allegany County.


1922, ch. 96, sec. 105.

105. Women shall be eligible for all municipal offices or positions pro-
vided for in the preceding sections of this Article, and wherever the mascu-
line gender is used in the preceding sections of this Article it shall be con-
atrued to include the feminine gender; provided, however, that women,
before being eligible for any municipal office or position, must possess the-


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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