3046 ARTICLE 14.
and November of each year correctly exhibiting the conditions of the
County finances under the control of his office; which said statement shall
show the amounts of moneys received by him and all sums of money due
the County from each collector and all other sources, the time when the
same became due, the amount of money, if any, borrowed by the Commis-
sioners and not yet paid; also the amount of money paid by him on the
order of the Commissioners, and the objects for which, and the dates when
paid; also the cash balance on hand and when and where deposited, if
any; which said statement shall be made in a securely bound book there-
for, and shall be. open during all reasonable office hours to any and all tax-
payers in said County; said Clerk shall also attend all meetings of said
County Commissioners, make minutes of and record of all proceedings,
keep accurate and full accounts of all matters relating to the conduct of his
office, and faithfully perform such other duties as may now or hereafter
be required of him by law or by the said County Commissioners; and
for the performance of such duties said Clerk shall be entitled to such
compensation as the County Commissioners shall deem proper, not ex-
ceeding the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000) per annum, payable
1892, ch. 139, sec. 44E.
71. It shall not be lawful for said clerk directly or indirectly, during
his term of office, to accept, hold, purchase or acquire any claim against
said county, or any share or interest in any such claims; and for any
violation of this or a failure on his part to comply with the provisions of
preceding sections, said clerk may be removed by said county commis-
sioners; and they may appoint some other person in his stead for the un-
expired portion of his said term, who shall qualify and give bond as here-
inbefore provided, but nothing contained in this section shall in any way
interfere with any criminal liability which said clerk so removed may have
incurred prior thereto.
1920, ch. 334.
72. Before any deed for the conveyance of real estate in Howard
County shall be received for record by the Clerk of the Circuit Court
thereof, the person offering said deed for record shall submit the same
to the Clerk to the County Commissioners of said county, who shall there-
upon make transfer on the county assessment books of the said property
to the name of the new owner or owners thereof, and as evidence of said
transfer, shall stamp upon the said deed his certificate thereof, and no
deed shall be received for record without certificate.
At the time of submitting the deed to the Clerk to the County Com-
missioners, the person or persons offering the same shall furnish said
Clerk with a statement of the buildings, if any, upon the land conveyed
by said deed. All Acts or parts of Acts, inconsistent herewith are hereby