3032 ARTICLE 14.
ability shall be removed,) and qualify by taking the following oath:
"I, A. B., do swear that I will duly and faithfully discharge the duties
and trusts committed to me as trustee of the poor of Howard county,
according to the best of my skill and knowledge, so help me God," which
oath shall be administered by any one of said trustees to the others, any
one of whom being sworn may administer the same to him.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 4. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
4. All vacancies happening by non-acceptance, death, resignation, or
removal out of the county, or disqualification of any of said trustees, shall
be filled by the county commissioners at their next meeting thereafter.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 5. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
5. No member of the general assembly, clergyman, attorney or prac-
tising physician shall be obliged to accept said office, or be liable to the
penalty aforesaid for refusing to accept; and no judge, justice of the
peace or sheriff, or any person who has not the qualification to be a mem-
ber of the general assembly, shall be eligible thereto; and no person shall
be compellable to serve in less than three years after he has served or paid
the penalty for refusing to serve.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 6. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
6. The trustees so appointed and qualified are a body politic, with full
power and authority to sue and be sued, by the name of "the trustees of
the poor of Howard county"; and by that name they may take and hold
any gift, donation or present which shall be given, devised or bequeathed
to them for the support and maintenance of the poor in said county, and
may purchase and hold any lands, tenements and hereditaments not ex-
ceeding the yearly value of twenty-five hundred dollars.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 7. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
7. They may use a common seal, and may change the same at their
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 8. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
8. They shall have power and authority to make such laws, orders and
rules for relieving, regulating and setting the poor to work, and punish-
ing vagrants, vagabonds and other offenders, and for the good government
of the almshouse in said county, as to them may seem proper.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 9. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
9. They shall, under the penalty of fifty dollars each, make out and.
render to the county commissioners, at their first meeting in the month
of March in each year, a statement of their accounts and expenditures,
with the necessary vouchers, for the preceding year; which account shall
be passed and settled by the said commissioners previous to making the
appointment of trustees for the ensuing year.