2944 AETICLE 13.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 219. 1916, ch. 711, sec. 1. 1927, ch. 296.
236. The Crier of the Circuit Court shall be allowed the sum of
Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars, ($750) per annum, payable in equal
monthly installments, and the same shall be levied and paid in the same
manner and upon the same evidence as the allowance to Bailiffs, and the
said allowance shall be in lieu of his fees, and shall be the entire com-
pensation for his duties.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 220.
237. It shall not be lawful for swine, horses, cows, calves, bulls, sheep,
goats or cattle to go at large in the public roads in the village of Darling-
ton in Harford County, or on the public roads within one mile of the
town hall in said village.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 221.
238. Any and every person owning said animals, or any of them men-
tioned in the preceding section who shall permit the same or any of them
to go at large on the public roads mentioned in the said section, shall be
fined five dollars for each offense, to be recovered by an action of debt
before any justice of the peace in Harford County, in the name of the
State of Maryland, for the use of the County Commissioners of said
County, to be applied by them to the repairing of the public roads in the
said village of Darlington, or within one mile of the town hall in said
village, or recoverable by indictment in the Circuit Court for said County,
and payable to the said County Commissioners for the same purpose.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 222.
239. It shall be the duty of the constables of Harford County to take
up, seize and impound any and all of the animals mentioned in Section
237 found by him going at large on any of the public roads specified in
said section, and shall immediately give notice thereof by notice set up
by him at the post office in the village of Darlington and other public
places in said village, and also to the owner of said animals, if he shall
know the same, describing the animals so seized and impounded and that
the same will be sold at public sale for cash at the post office door in said
village at the time mentioned in said notice, which shall be at least five
days and not more than ten days before the day of sale; provided, that if
the owners of said animals or any of them shall, before the said sale, pay
to the said constable one dollar for taking up each of the said animals
owned by them, and fifty cents for putting up and giving each of the notices
of said sale, and the expenses incurred by him for keeping and feeding
said animals, the said constable shall then deliver the said animals to the
owner or his agent.