2920 ARTICLE 13.
treat such property in the same manner as they would a private property,
as under Section 14Y.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 15.
151. Any individual, firm or corporation having buildings, conduits,
pipes, tracks, or other physical construction in, over or under the public
roads, streets or alleys of the area served by the sewerage system and
sewage disposal plant that block or impede the progress of the sewerage
Commission in constructing their sewerage system and sewage disposal
plant shall, upon reasonable notice from said Sewerage Commission
promptly shift, adjust, move or remove same at their own cost and expense,
so as to fully meet the exigencies of the occasion, provided, however, this
section shall not apply to the Bel Air Water and Light Co.'s mains.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 16.
152. The Commission and any employee or agent of said Commission
shall have the right of entry at all reasonable hours, upon any private
premises and into any building within their jurisdiction, while in the
performance of their official duties; and any restraint or hindrance offered
to such entry, by an owner or tenant or agent of said owner or tenant shall
be a misdemeanor, punishable under Section 153.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 17.
153. Every act or omission designated as a misdemeanor in this Act
shall be prosecuted before a Justice of the Peace or by indictment and
upon conviction, the offender shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $100
or thirty days in the county jail, or both, in the discretion of the Court
or Justice. Where such act or omission is of a continuing nature and is
persisted in, in violation of the provisions of this Act or any rule or regu-
lation formulated thereunder, a conviction for one offense shall not be a
bar to a conviction for a continuation of such offense, subsequent to the
first or any succeeding conviction.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 18.
154. The next regular election of the Town Commissioners of the town
of Bel Air there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the town the
question whether a sewerage system and sewage disposal plant shall be
constructed, and at such election the ballots cast upon such questions shall
lave the words "For Sewerage System," and "Against Sewerage System,"
thereon, and if a majority of the votes cast upon such question shall be
"For Sewerage System," then the Town Commissioners or a majority of
them shall proceed to execute the powers vested in them by this Act, but
if a majority of the votes shall be "Against Sewerage System," then this
Act shall be in abeyance and the same question may be voted upon in the
same manner at any succeeding municipal election at which said Commis-
sioners of Bel Air, may, in their discretion submit it, and when submitted
and favorably passed upon by the voters as aforesaid, the provisions of
this Act shall be come immediately effective.