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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2919   View pdf image (33K)
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1927, ch. 254, sec. 11.

147. The Commission shall be empowered and directed to formulate
and enforce such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary for
maintaining and operating said sewerage system and said sewage dis-
posal plant under their control, and shall formulate and put into effect
plumbing regulations which shall govern the installation and alteration
of all drainage arrangements on private property. Said Commission may
require that no plumbing or drainage work be done on any private prop-
erty without the receipt of a permit and the payment of a reasonable
charge therefor. Any violation of any rule or regulation promulgated
under authority of this Section shall be a misdemeanor, punishable under
Section 153.

1927, ch. 254, se'c. 12.

148. Commission with the consent and approval of the County Com-
missioners of Harford County shall have authority to establish grades for
all streets, roads, and sidewalks, within the area served by the sewerage
system and sewage disposal plant, except streets, highways, county roads,
alleys and sidewalks within the corporate limits of the town which have
been established and improved, at the time of the passage of this Act for
the purpose of enabling the Commission to make their surveys, plans and
plats to establish a permanent system of streets and highways. The Com-
mission may require payment from each person or persons submitting a
plat for approval of an amount approximately equal to the cost of labor
involved in determining whether said plat shall be approved or not, but
in no instance shall this charge exceed $25.00.

1927, ch. 254, aec. 13.

149. The Commission may enter upon any State, county or municipal
street, road or alley or any public highway, for the purpose of installing,
maintaining and operating the sewerage system and sewage disposal plant
provided for under this Act, and they may construct in such street, road
or alley or public highway a sewer or any appurtenance thereof, but first
must obtain a permit without charge from the proper authorities con-
trolling such street, road or alley or public highway, provided that when-
ever any State, county or municipal highway is to be disturbed that said
highway shall be repaired and left by the Commission in the same, or a
not inferior, condition to that existing before being torn up, and that all
costs incident thereto shall be borne by the Commission.

1927, ch. 254, sec. 14.

150. Upon application to the Commission any property owner, whose
property does not abut on a sewer, may have his property connected with
the system at his own expense, except that the Commission shall install
and pay for the portion referred to in Section 142; and thereafter his
property shall be assessed as though abutting on the sewer, provided, how-
ever, that said Commission shall have the right at any and all times to


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2919   View pdf image (33K)
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