said notice a time and place when and where said owners will be heard.
The benefit charge assessed against any property shall be final subject only
to revision of said hearing. The Commission, in the case of corner lots,
irregular shaped lots and shallow lots fronting on more than one street
may determine upon such lengths of frontage for assessment as they may
deem reasonable and fair. Front foot charges, as above specified, shall be
a first lien on property against which they are assessed, subject only to
prior State and county charges shall be in default after 60 days from the-
date of levy and upon default of payment shall be reduced to judgment
within two years or the lien will be lost.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 6.
142. Said Commission shall provide for each and every property abut-
ting upon a street or right-of-way in which a sewer is laid, a sewer con-
nection which shall be extended, as required from the sewer to the property
line of the abutting lot, said sewer connection to the property line to be
constructed by and at the sole expense of said Commission. When any
sewer is declared by said Commission complete and ready for the recep-
tion of sewage, every abutting property owner, after due notice, shall
under the supervision of the Commission, make connection of all toilets
and waste drains, except storm-water drains, with said sewer within such
reasonable time as may be prescribed by said Commission. Where the
aforesaid fixtures or drains do not exist, or are of a nature which in the -
judgment of said Commission are improper or inadequate, satisfactory
equipment or arrangements shall be installed. All cesspools, drains and
privies on properties connected with a sewer shall under the direction of
said Commission be abandoned and left in such condition that they can-
not again be used or cannot affect the public health. Any violation of the
provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor, punishable under Sec-
tion 153.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 7.
143. For every sewer connection at the property line with property
owner's drains as provided under Section 142, said Commission shall
make such charge as they shall determine to be reasonable, which charge-
shall be uniform throughout the town of Bel Air, subject, however, to re-
vision annually by the Commission. Said charge shall be paid by all
property owners at the office of the Commission before the actual connec-
tion with any pipe or drains on private property is made; or any owner so
desiring may arrange to pay 1/4 of said charge in cost,* in which case the
balance shall be paid in three equal annual installments, such deferred
payments to bear interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum and to
be payable at the same time, in the same manner and subject to the same
penalties and methods of collection as the front foot benefit charges pro-
vided under Section 141.
*The official Act has it thus.