2914 ARTICLE 13.
of any kind exercised by individuals, firms and corporations, on, over or
under the streets of said town, and also to regulate and direct traffic on
said streets; but in granting said powers explicitly it is not to be con-
strued that said powers, or either of them, may not be implied from the
terms of the existing charter.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 1.
137. The Commissioners of the town of Bel Air, Harford County,
Maryland, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed at the first
meeting after the passage of this act, to appoint a Sewerage Commission
consisting of four members, and not connected with the town government,
who, together with the President of the Board of Town Commissioners,
ex-officio, shall constitute a special Commission to be known as the "Bel
Air Sewerage Commission," (hereinafter designated as the "Commis-
sion,") and who shall continue in office from year to year until the work
of said Commission, under this Act, has been fully and finally completed
in every respect. All persons appointed to said Commission shall be sub-
ject to removal by the' Board of Town Commissioners at any time for
cause. Any member of said Sewerage Commission may at any time resign
therefrom by tendering his resignation in writing to the Board of Town
Commissioners; and any vacancy in said Sewerage Commission occa-
sioned by the resignation, removal, death or permanent absence from this
State, of the incumbent or by supervening incapacity, on his part, whether
physical or mental, to discharge his duties, or by any other cause operat-
ing to create such a vacancy, either actually or in effect, shall be filled
by the Board of Town Commissioners in the manner and subject to all
the conditions as the original appointments. A majority of said Com-
missioners shall be lawful quorum for the transaction of business; the
Commission is authorized, empowered and directed to build and construct,
alter, extend, maintain, operate, control and regulate a sanitary sewerage
system and sewage disposal plant and any and all appurtenances to same
for the town of Bel Air, Harford County, State of Maryland, within the
corporate -limits of said town, and to issue bonds, promissory notes and
certificates of indebtedness on the faith and credit of said town for the
payment for such system, and to acquire by purchase or condemnation
whatever property or rights-of-way within or outside of the corporate
limits of said town they may deem necessary and proper, and to do what-
ever work and employ whatever help is necessary therefor.
1927, ch. 254, sec. 2.
138. The Commission is authorized and directed to organize, as soon
as possible after being appointed, and to elect one of their members, other
than ex-officio member, chairman, who shall preside at any and all meet-
ings of said Commission and in case of his absence a Chairman pro tem-
pore shall be chosen. Said Commission shall meet for regular business
whenever and wherever in the town of Bel Air or on the work they deem