the Town Council, a town clerk, a treasurer, a tax collector, a police magis-
trate, an attorney, a Weighmaster, a street commissioner, a police officer
and such other special policemen as the public welfare of said town may
require in any case of emergency, who shall severally perform such duties
and have such powers as may be prescribed by law and the ordinances
passed in pursuance to said charter of said town.
The Mayor and members of said Town Council shall be elected for the
period of two years from the second Monday in March, 1922, and shall
hold office from the first Monday in April following, except those three
who were elected in March, 1921, who shall continue in office until the
month of April, 1923, or until their successors are elected and qualified.
The Mayor shall have the right to appoint the police magistrate, the
attorney to the town and the police officer, by and with the advice and
consent of the Town Council, but the town clerk, street commissioner, and
the collector of taxes and Weighmaster shall be elected by the Town Coun-
cil, and said appointees shall each hold their respective offices and enter
upon their duties from the first Monday of April of the year in which they
were so appointed, or until their successors are appointed and qualified,
unless sooner removed for cause in the discretion of the said Town Council.
1898, ch. 25, sec. 169. 1914, ch. 63.
405. The limits of said town of Oakland shall be as follows: Begin-
ning for the whole at a concrete monument with a copper center, planted
level with the ground, and standing on the northeasterlv limit of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad and thirty-three feet from the center of said rail-
road, and about South seventy degrees, east one hundred and twenty-four
feet from a water plug, or pen stock of said railroad, and running thence
with an allowance of three degrees, twenty-one minutes for magnetic varia-
tion to correspond with the calls of the corporate survey of 1896, and with
horizontal measure for and on the first ten lines (which are the new lines
hereby established).
1. South 65 degrees 52 minutes, east 49 perches 22 links, to a con-
crete monument with copper center.
2. North 24 degrees 24 minutes, east 114 perches 12 links, crossing
the County road to Mountain Lake Park at seventy-three perches and 20
links, to a concrete monument with copper center.
3. North 65 degrees 27 minutes, west 26 perches 2 links, to a con-
crete monument with copper center planted on the west side of a street
leading to the Deer Park Road, then with the western limit of said street.
4. North 23 degrees .01 minutes, east 99 perches 17 links, to a con-
crete monument with copper center standing opposite to a road leading to
Mountain Lake Park, then leaving said road.
5. North 64 degrees 21 minutes, west 51 perches 9 links, to the south
bank of Wilson Run at a point which is south 64 degrees 21 minutes, east
469 feet from a planted stone marked "J. H. 841," the beginning of the
corporate survey made in 1896, thence