2656 ARTICLE 11.
to provide by general ordinance for the abatement of any or all taxes
levied by authority of said commissioners, or any ordinance thereof, for
any of the corporate uses thereof, or for the exemption from taxation for
municipal .purposes of any mechanical tools or implements, whether
worked by hand or by steam or other motive power, machinery, manu-
facturing apparatus or engines owned by any individual, firm or corpora-
tion in said village, and properly subject to valuation and taxation therein,
which said tools, implements, machinery, apparatus or 'engines shall be
actually employed and used in the business of manufacturing in said vil-
lage; provided, such abatement or exemption shall be extended to all
persons, firms or corporations engaged in the branch of manufacturing
industry proposed to be benefited by ordinances under the provision of
this section.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 337. 1918 Code, sec. 760.
789. They shall have power and authority to authorize and permit,
and by ordinance to grant to any railroad company whose road enters or
is intended to enter the corporate limits of Thurmont, the right and privi-
lege of laying down and constructing its tracks, and of building and grad-
ing its road along, through and over any of the streets, lanes or alleys of
said village, subject to such regulations as may be prescribed in the ordi-
nances granting such right and privileges of laying down and construct-
ing such track, and building and grading such road along, over and
through any street, lane or alley of said village.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 338. 1918, ch. 193, sec. 338. 1918 Code, sec. 761.
1920, ch. 396.
790. The Board of Commissioners of Thurmont shall annually ap-
point a collector of town taxes, who shall, before acting, give such bond as
said Board may require, and shall have the same powers to collect and
enforce payment of the Corporation taxes as the collectors of State and
county taxes now have. The said Board shall also appoint annually a
town bailiff who shall, within the corporate limits, have the powers and
authority of constable, and said Board may also from time to time, under
such conditions and terms as they by ordinance direct, appoint such other
officers as they may deem necessary to carry into effect the ordinances of
said town, and may fix the terms and conditions and compensation of each,
including the collector and bailiff, and may remove for cause any of said
appointees, but not without due notice and a fair hearing of said cause
before such action is taken; nor shall a collector be appointed before the
expiration of the term of the present incumbent, or said office becomes
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 339. 1918 Code, se'c. 762.
791. The bailiff shall give bond, to be approved by the County Com-
missioners, as other constables, for the faithful performance of his duty as
constable, and also a bond to the Board of Town Commissioners, for the
faithful performance of such duties as shall be imposed on him by the
ordinances of the Board of Commissioners.