2626 ARTICLE 11.
said town, that the same may be generally known; and the said clerk
shall record in a separate book the proceedings of said board.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 386. 1918 Code, sec. 622.
644. The commissioners shall have full power and authority to make
all such ordinances, by-laws and regulations, not inconsistent with the
constitution and laws of this State, as from time to time they may deem
wise, equitable and efficient for the promotion of the comfort, health and
prosperity of said town and its inhabitants; for the suppression of vice and
immorality, and for the prevention or removal of nuisances within the
limits of said town; and shall have power to levy every year an equal tax
upon the property, real and person, within the limits of said town, to such
amount as may by them, from time to time, be deemed necessary to
accomplish such purposes; provided, however, that the taxes so levied
shall not exceed the sum or rate of twenty cents on each one hundred
dollars valuation of said assessable property for any one year, which tax
shall be collected by a tax collector to be appointed by said commissioners
for that purpose; and the taxes so collected shall be paid over by said
collector to said commissioners, to be by them expended under the pro-
visions of this subtitle of this Article, in such manner as they shall direct.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 387. 1918 Code, sec. 623.
645. The tax collector appointed by them shall give bond in the penal
sum of six hundred dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of
his duty, and shall be vested with the same power and authority for the
collection of town taxes as the collectors of State and county taxes for
Frederick county are now or may hereafter be by law invested with, in
respect of State or county taxes; and the said commissioners shall fix the
term of office, responsibility and compensation of said tax collector of
town taxes.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 388. 1918 Code, sec. 624.
646. The commissioners, as often as they shall deem it advisable, may
cause an assessment to be made of all real and personal property within
the corporate limits of said town, by a person to be appointed and paid
by them, which assessment shall not, however, exceed the assessment of
the same property for county purposes; provided, that if any owner of
property within said town shall feel aggrieved by the assessment so made,
he may appeal to the commissioners, who are in power to correct the
valuation of his property as they may deem reasonable and just, but not
to exceed the assessment for county purposes.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 389. 1918 Code, sec. 625.
647. They shall not expend, nor contract to expend, in any one year,
more than the amount of money receivable from taxes and other sources
for that year.