2586 ARTICLE 11.
court trying the offender, the said court may in its discretion commit the
offender for a first offense to the county jail for a term of imprisonment
not exceeding ninety days and for a second offense to said jail for a period
not exceeding one year.
1902, ch. 476, sec. 351. 1918 Code, sec. 518.
526. The citizens of Middletown, in Frederick County, residing within
the metes and bounds, courses and distances set out in the next succeed-
ing sections as the taxable limits of said town, are a body corporate by
the name of the Burgess and Commissioners of Middletown, and by that
name may sue and be sued, and have and use a common seal.
1908, ch. 728, sec. 352. 1918 Code, sec. 519.
527. The taxable limits of said municipal corporation shall be as fol-
lows: Beginning for the same at an iron bolt fixed in the middle of a
stone culvert, it being the first large culvert west of Middletown, on the
National Turnpike road, leading from Baltimore to Hagerstown and the
West, and running thence from said iron bolt the following courses and
distances, to wit: south forty-five degrees, west three hundred feet to a
stake on Martin H. O. Beachley's land; thence south forty-five degrees
east one thousand and thirty-five feet to a stake in George W. Rems-
burg's town lot; thence south thirty-three and three-fourths degrees west
five hundred and one feet to a stake in Henry Johnson's lot; thence south
fifty-six and one-fourth degrees east three hundred and seventy feet to
the middle of the public road leading from Middletown to Burkittsville;
. thence still south fifty-six and one-fourth degrees east three hundred and
sixty-six feet to a stake on Charles W. Michael's land; thence north thirty-
three and three-fourths degrees east four hundred and twenty-four feet
to a stake on the aforesaid Charles W. Michael's land; thence parallel
with new South street in Middletown, south eighty-three degrees east
eight hundred and eighty feet to a stake standing west of an alley in said
town; thence by and with the west side of said alley, south seven degrees,
west eleven hundred and fifty-one feet to a stake on the late George I.
Remsberg's land; thence south eighty-three degrees east three hundred
and seventy-five feet to the middle of the public road leading from Middle-
town to Broad Run and Jefferson, still south eighty-three degrees east
four hundred and eighty-nine feet to a stake in the dividing line between
the lands of the late J. Herman Remsburg and Ephraim Mash, colored;
thence north eighty-two and one-half degrees east two thousand and five
hundred and eighteen and one-half feet to a stake; thence north thirty-
one degrees east six hundred and thirty feet, crossing the turnpike road
aforesaid, to a stake planted on Herman L. Routzahn's land; thence at
right angles and parallel with the middle of said turnpike road at this
*Middletown has been authorized to issue bonds and to levy taxes to pay interest
on and to redeem said bonds, as follows: 1892, ch. 128; 1894, ch. 31; 1902, ch. 73;
1910, ch. 43; 1924, ch. 472 ($10,000 of water bonds).