2438 ARTICLE 11.
belief that the deceased came to his or her death by felony; and in all
such cases it shall be the duty of said coroner or any justice of the peace
acting as coroner to immediately summon some physician practicing
within the limits of said Frederick County, or in any city therein, where
the decease of such person may occur, to make due examination of the
deceased and the cause of his or her death, for which examination the
said physician so summoned shall be paid the sum of five dollars by the
Board of County Commissioners for said Frederick County, and upon
the advice or direction of such physician, given in writing under his hand
to such acting coroner, for the holding an inquest over the body of such
deceased person, thereupon such written advice and direction given by the
physician aforesaid, and not before, it shall be the duty of such acting
coroner to summon or hold a jury of inquest over the body of such de-
ceased person, as prescribed by the Code of Public General Laws of Mary-
land, in such cases made and provided, wherein the same do not conflict
with the provisions of this subtitle.
1904, ch. 163, sec. 2. 1918 Code, sec. 112.
94. In the event the jury summoned by the acting coroner, as pro-
vided in the preceding section, may deem an autopsy necessary and shall
order the same to be had, it shall be the duty of said physician to perform
such autopsy, who shall receive as compensation therefore the sum of
twenty-five dollars, to be paid by the Board of County Commissioners of
Frederick County.
1892, ch. 283. 1894, ch. 305, sec. 81. 1918 Code, sec. 116. 1924, ch. 183. sec. 116.
95. The next election of County Commissioners of Frederick County
shall be held on Tuesday after the first .Monday in the month of November,
in the year 1926, and on the same day in every fourth year thereafter,
and there shall then be elected five County Commissioners, which number
shall thenceforth compose the Board of County Commissioners; and said
Commissioners so elected shall each receive for the service performed by
them an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars, payable in monthly in-
stallments of one hundred twenty-five dollars by the county treasurer of
said county, as full compensation for services and mileage; provided,
however, should any emergency arise necessitating them, or either of them,
to go outside Frederick County to perform any duties pertaining to their
office, then each of them so doing shall be reimbursed from the miscella-
neous fund of said county for his actual and necessary expenses.
1924, ch. 183, sec. 116A.
96. The County Commissioners of Frederick County shall meet three
days in each week at their office in Frederick City for the transaction of
*The County Commissioners have been authorized to issue bonds and directed
to levy taxes to pay interest and to redeem said bonds, as follows: 1900, ch. 483;
1910, ch. 125; 1912, ch. 404; 1914, ch. 359; 1.920, ch. 397; 1922, ch. 512; 1924, ch.
180; 1927, ch. 144.