ordinance, for the levy and collection as other town taxes are collected,
or in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance of the Mayor and
Council of Brunswick, of a tax upon all the property binding on any
street, lane or alley, or part thereof which may have been so improved,
to the extent that such property shall have been specially benefited by
such improvement; provided that no property upon which the assessment
originally made, or attempted and intended to be made by Commissioners
heretofore appointed, or attempted so to be, for its share of the cost of
such improvement shall have been fully paid shall be again assessed and
that reasonable notice, and opportunity to be heard, shall be given to all
persons interested before the final ascertainment of the amount of tax
to be paid by any such property; and any person, including the town it-
self, feeling aggrieved at the action of any Commissioner or Commis-
sioners, or other persons appointed to determine the amount or amounts
of such special taxes or assessments, shall have the right to appeal to the
Circuit Court for Frederick County and to a trial by jury; provided said
appeal be taken within thirty days after the determination of said Com-
missioner or Commissioners or other persons appointed to determine the
amount or amounts or such special taxes or assessments; and an appeal
may be taken to the Court of Appeals by either party; provided said
appeal be entered within thirty clays after the rendition of judgment by
the Circuit Court for Frederick County.
1894, ch. 652, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 76.
55. The citizens of the town of Burkittsville, in Frederick County, are
hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of the Commissioners
of Burkittsville, and by that name may sue and be sued, and have and
use a common seal.
1894, ch. 652, sec. 2. 1918 Code, sec. 77.
56. The corporate limits of said town shall be as follows: Beginning
at a stone on the road leading from Burkittsville to Jefferson; thence
west to a stone on the road leading from Burkittsville to Knoxville; thence
northwest to the road that leaves the road from Burkittsville to Gapland;
thence east to a bridge on the road from Burkittsville to Middletown;
thence southeast to a stone on the road from Burkittsville to E. L. Karn's
farm, that divides the land of E. L. Karri and W. C. Karn; thence south
to the place of beginning, all points about one-eighth mile from said town.
1894, ch. 652, sec. 3. 1918 Code, sec. 78.
57. The male citizens of Burkittsville, of the age of twenty-one years
and upward, who have resided in said town for six months next preced-
ing the election, shall on the first Monday in May, annually elect three
freeholders, who have resided in said town for six months next preceding
said election, as Commissioners of Burkittsville, to serve for one year