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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2421   View pdf image (33K)
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by such pharmacist or druggist in case of extreme illness when delays may
be dangerous to the patients.

1916, ch. 456, sec. 15. 1918 Code, sec. 64.

45. The Mayor and Council are further authorized and empowered to
pass an ordinance or ordinances authorizing and directing the bailiff of
said town to require all persons of sufficient ability who shall be sentenced
to imprisonment in the town lock-up by the police justice of said town as
a punishment of any crime or misdemeanor committed therein to work
upon the public streets and highways of said town, or to do some work in
connection with the improvements thereof as part of the prison discipline
and management.


1916, ch. 456, sec. 16. 1918 Code, sec. 65. 1927, ch. 135, sec. 16.

46. The Mayor and Council, whenever they think the public interests
require it, may cause an assessment to1 be made of all real and personal
property within the corporate limits of said town, subject to assessment
for State and county taxes, and they may prescribe the manner in which
such assessments shall be made, and provide for the adjustment of all
differences in relation to such assessment, and to do all other things neces-
sary in making such assessment; and the Mayor and Council shall have
power to levy and collect taxes in the town, not exceeding for general
purposes in any one year one dollar ($1.00) on each one hundred dollars
($100.00) of assessable property, and shall also levy and collect the taxes
required to meet the interest and redeem at maturity all bonds heretofore
legally issued.

The Mayor and Council may use the assessment of taxable property
within the limits of said town as made by the assessors of Frederick
County as the basis of taxation until the Mayor and 'Council shall make
and perfect a city assessment as provided for in the preceding section.

They may pass ordinances for the appointment of one or more assessors
prescribing their duties, and providing a suitable compensation for them.

All property assessed under any ordinance shall be chargeable with the
taxes levied for the use of the corporation, and the Mayor and Council
may provide by ordinance for the increase or abatement of any erroneous

It shall be the duty of the town clerk and treasurer, as soon as the
annual tax levy is made and placed in his hands for collection, to give
notice by advertisement in one newspaper published or circulated in
Brunswick, which notice shall state the time from which the taxes bear
interest, and shall warn all persons of their liability to be published as
delinquent taxpayers and to have their property sold unless the taxes,
with which they are respectively charged are paid on or before the first
day of January then next ensuing. He shall also, immediately after said
lew is made, make out the bills of each taxpayer, to which a similar-
notice shall be annexed, and upon application shall forward the bill by


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2421   View pdf image (33K)
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