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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2420   View pdf image (33K)
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2420 ARTICLE 11.

1916, ch. 456, sec. 14. 1918 Code, sec. 63.

44. It shall not be lawful for any person or body corporate to sell,
directly or indirectly, at any place within the limits of the Town of Bruns-
wick or to give away, at his place of business, or upon any street, alley
or thoroughfare in said town, any spirituous or fermented liquors or lager
beer, or intoxicating drinks of any kir.d, nor shall any license be issued
or granted for the sale of the same within the limits of said town of
Brunswick. The Council shall have power to pass an ordinance or ordi-
nances, to suppress the sale or giving away of spirituous or fermented
liquors or lager beer, or intoxicating drinks of any kind, within the cor-
porate limits of said town, and may provide therein a fine and penalty,
not exceeding the fine and penalty authorized by the preceding section,
for a violation of said ordinance or ordinances; this power shall not, how-
ever, be construed to forbid or deny the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court
in the premises, as provided in the next succeeding section.

If any person or body corporate shall sell, directly or indirectly, at
any place, or give away at his place of business or upon any street, alley
or thoroughfare, any spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer, or
intoxicating drinks of any kind, within the limits of the town of Bruns-
wick, he shall, on conviction thereof in the Circuit Court for said Fred-
erick County be fined for the first offense not less than fifty dollars nor
more than two hundred dollars, and for each subsequent offense not less
than two hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, and on
failure to pay the same shall be committed to the jail of said county until
said fine and costs are paid; one-half of said fine shall be paid to the
informer, and the other half to the Board of School Commissioners of
Frederick County, for the benefit of the public schools situated in the
Town of Brunswick.

Nothing in the two preceding sections shall be construed to prevent the
compounding or sale of any such liquors by pharmacists or druggists who
shall or may have obtained license therefor under the license laws of the
State, upon the written bona fide prescription of a regular practicing
physician, whose name shall be signed thereto, and every such prescription
shall be filed and kept by said pharmacist or druggist; and no prescrip-
tion shall serve more than one purchaser; but no physician shall make
and sign any such prescription, unless the person for whom it is made is
actually sick, or such liquor is actually required as a medicine; and any
physician who shall make or sign any prescription for such liquor, except
as aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of said section, and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more
than two hundred dollars for the first offense, and not less than two
hundred nor more than five hundred dollars for each subsequent offense,
one-half of said fine to be paid to the informer, the other half to the
Board of School Commissioners of said county, for the use of the public
schools situated in the town of Brunswick; and upon failure to pay the
said fine shall be committed to the jail of said county until said fine and
costs are paid; nor shall anything herein be construed to prohibit the sale


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2420   View pdf image (33K)
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