238 ARTICLE 1.
1920, ch. 714, sec. 15.
655. All ordinances of the said town of Westernport not inconsistent
with; any of the powers and provisions of this Act, shall be and remain
in full force and power until repealed, altered, changed or modified by
the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport and that the present offi-
cials of the town of Westernport shall continue to hold office as such
officials after the expiration of their respective terms for which they were
elected until their successors are duly elected and qualified as pro-
vided'by this Act, exercising any and all of the powers, duties and privi-
leges granted to the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport, as a cor-
poration or to any of its officials to the fullest extent as set forth in this
1910, ch. 531, sec. 1 (p. 525).
656. The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport, in Allegany
County, a municipal corporation, is hereby authorized and empowered
to borrow on the faith and credit of the said corporation a sum of money
not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), and to issue
bonds therefor under the conditions hereinafter set forth.
1910, ch. 531, sec. 2 (p. 525).
657. The said the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport is hereby
authorized and empowered at any time or times hereafter to enact an
ordinance or ordinances setting out the purpose or purposes for which
the money provided under this Act shall be applied, and the approxi-
mate cost of each item of expenditure, and to submit the same to the
qualified voters of said Town of Westernport, at an election or elections,
shall in all particulars not herein provided for, be held under the super-
vision and direction of the said the Mayor and Commissioners of West-
ernport, and in the manner in which the general elections of the said
town are held, and this Act shall not be effective unless a majority of the
votes cast at such an election shall declare the assent of the voters to the
borrowing of said money and the issuing of said bonds mentioned in said
ordinance, and to the purposes to which said money shall be applied.
1910, ch. 531, sec. 3 (p. 525).
658. The ordinance or ordinances mentioned in Section 657 of this Act
shall clearly set forth the amount of the bonds which the Mayor and Com-
missioners of Westernport desire to issue, a general description of the
purposes or improvements to which the money is to be applied, and an
estimate of the approximate costs in carrying out such improvement, and
that the proposition of issuing bonds under this Act may be submitted
by the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport to the qualified voters
by ordinance as herein provided for at any time until the full amount
of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) as herein provided for shall
be authorized, and that the Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport
may, if they desire, incorporate in said submission two or more distinct