issuing of licenses or permits for all hawking, peddling and vending and
vending of wares, merchandise of every description upon the streets and
highways of the town, to impose and demand a license from all players
or showmen exhibiting within said town and to provide for licensing thea-
tres and to regulate or restrain theatrical or other public amusements
within said town; to regulate and license the business of conducting restau-
rants, saloons, hotels or any other business enterprise carried on within
the said town, to license carriages, wagons or other vehicles used in said
town and upon the streets thereof for the purpose of carrying passengers
or goods; to regulate and license auctioneers, who cry any sale or sales
on the public street. To insure the observance of said ordinances, occupa-
tions, activities or offenses set forth in said ordinances in addition to the
action of debt or such other civil remedies as may exist in such cases
by law for the recovery of the penalties thereunto affixed, they may affix
such reasonable fine, not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) in any
case, as to them may appear right, and in default of the payment of any
fine imposed they may provide for the imprisonment of the offender for
a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, or until the fine is paid, which
imprisonment may be in the town lockup or in the county jail.
Norwood v. Wiseman, 141 Md. 701. Westernport v. Green, 144 Md. 86. Kimmell
v. Westernport, 140 Md. 506.
1912, ch. 728
652. The Commissioners of Westernport shall have'the power to build,
construct, operate and maintain an electric light works in the Town of
Westernport for the purpose of lighting the streets and highways of said
town, and to sell and furnish electric light and power to the citizens of
said town for domestic and manufacturing purposes.
1920, ch. 714, sec. 13.
653. The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport may at any time
provide by ordinance for the codification or recodification of such ordi-
nances as have been or may hereafter be passed by them, and for the print-
ing of such codification or recodification thereof; and the printed copy
of any ordinance or codification issued by authority and under the sanc-
tion of said body shall be legal evidence of the passage of said ordinance
and the contents thereof in any court of law or equity in this State.
1920, ch. 714, sec. 14.
654. The Mayor and Commissioners of Westernport shall annually
cause to be made up, printed and distributed among the citizens of the
town of Westernport a detailed financial statement of the town's affairs,
showing the financial resources of the town and the existing liabilities,
as well as the income for the previous year and the expenditures during
the same, which statement shall be made up and distributed not later than
the month of June.