fronting on more than one street in which a waiter main is placed, "The
Commissioners of Vienna" may assess such length of frontage as they
deem reasonable and fair; and provided, further, that in the case of small
acreage and agricultural property, where a water main does not extend
along the whole frontage, "The Commissioners of Vienna" may assess
such length of frontage as they deem reasonable and fair. Front-foot
assessments for water supply and construction shall be uniform for each
class of property throughout the town. The amount of the assessment
per front foot for each class of property for water mains shall be deter-
mined annually by "The Commissioners of Vienna," as costs and con-
ditions require. Said assessments shall be paid annually beginning in
the year such construction is begun by all persons owning property lo-
cated, as above specified, and the said annual assessment to continue for a
period of years co-extensive with the period of the latest maturity of the
said serial bonds, out of the proceeds of which such construction was done;
provided, however, that any owner of property may, at his option, within
one year from the time said front foot assessment or benefit charge is
levied, extinguish the same by the payment in cash in one sum of the
proportion of the estimated cost of the project, of which the construction
abutting upon his property is a part, represented by the number of front
feet which he is assessed with interest at the rate of six per cent, per
annum from the date of such levy, less any annual payment that may
have been made thereon. "The Commissioners of Vienna," in estimating
the said cost for the purpose of extinguishment, may add thereto a reason-
able margin to protect themselves against possible changes in the cost of
construction and loss of interest. All sums received under such plan of
extinguishment shall be preserved intact by "The Commissioners of
Vienna" and applied toward the payment of the interest on said bonds
and toward the redemption of one bond in each and every year beginning
two years after date of said issue, as hereinbefore provided; and provided
further, that any property owner whose property is classified under busi-
ness or industrial, or sub-division, may, at his option, at any time during
the life of said assessment, extinguish the same by payment in cash of
an amount, which, if put at interest at 3 1/2 per cent., compounded annu-
ally, would yield an annuity equal to the annual assessment for the period
for which said assessment has yet to run. "The Commissioners of Vienna"
shall at any time permit a connection with a water main by a property
owner whose property does not abut on said water main and who has not
previously thereto paid an assessment for the construction of said water
main, provided the said "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall first deter-
mine the classification of said property, and a front foot charge to be paid
by said property owner, as though his property abutted on said water
main; and in the event of such connection being made, said property owner
and said property, as to all charges, rates and assessment, shall in every
respect stand in the same position as if the said property abutted upon
a water main. The annual assessments as above specified shall be a first
lien upon the property against which they are assessed, subject only to